Project Manager Onboarding

Project Manager Onboarding


This document introduces Project Managers to their new role, general information and includes checklist for a smooth on-boarding process.

The process of becoming a PM is outlined in How to become a Project Manager?

Todo Checklist:

As a PM, you have access to more of the team’s resources, SDC room codes and important team credentials.

  1. Resubmit team roster with respect to your new role as a PM!

  1. Ensure you have the applicable Discord roles

  2. You must have a “Project Manager” role and a “[Subteam specific] Project Manager”

  3. Review info in #logins

    1. this contains the passwords that WARG controls, and codes for SDC rooms and the Bay

  4. Ensure you are added to your subteam specific lead channel

    1. for example, if you are a Mechanical project manager, then you must be in #mech-leads channel

    2. you do not have access to other subteam lead channels

General Information:

  • To log into WARG Outlook/Onedrive