AEAC 2024 Competition Roster Selection

AEAC 2024 Competition Roster Selection


This document covers the specific proposals and what we are executing on for this competition cycle. Please include all information specific to this year in this page while all selection guidelines that can be applied to any WARG competition in the header page.

Headcount Proposal


Maintain Count (10 People)

Increase Count (~15 People)


Maintain Count (10 People)

Increase Count (~15 People)


WARG can fully cover competition and travel costs

WARG can cover 2/3 of competition and travel costs

  • Each attendee pays $100-$200


Criteria is stricter

Criteria is looser as multiple members can cover each other


Everyone has an important role

Overworked members

Cannot guarantee dedicated role (periods of doing little)

Overcrowded workspace

More diverse skillset

Higher chances of catching mistakes


Easier to manage

Difficult to organize and coordinate large groups

Additional travel flexibility (e.g. going different places)



Opportunity for newer members to learn



Easier to network with:

  • Other teams (e.g. technical discussion, spectating)

  • Sponsors and competition organizers


All members must also do some social media tasks

Easier and faster to document, edit, and post on social media