Member Definition

Member Definition


This page seeks to define what it means to be a member of WARG for the purposes of tracking on the team roster, financials, and outreach. This definition was agreed upon by the leadership team in F23 and should be discussed before major modifications. When we state how many members we have on our team (tracked via https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AD/pages/2217902086/Team+Roster+Information?search_id=62379de2-c9a0-4553-b458-f334d07b3797&additional_analytics=queryHash---cfb6b1ea1337d502dec2d448780f1c2c49f0012dcdbe89ea137d325f90dc0dae ) we are referring to the number of people who meet this definition.


A person is a “member of WARG” if and only if they meet all of the following requirements:

False Claims

Do not falsely claim to be a member of WARG on social media (i.e. LinkedIn) or your resume. It’s embarrassing. We will call you out on it. Please see https://tinyurl.com/SahilDanielResumeGuide for further information on truthfulness for these types of claims.

WARG does have a reputation to uphold so we will do our best to counter all blatantly false claims. If you spot or suspect anyone of falsely claiming their involvement with WARG please report to our leadership team via https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AD/pages/2311618600 . Ideally the publicly available information from our Team Roster (https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AD/pages/2217902086) & website ( https://www.uwarg.com/team ) system will help us dispel some false claims, but often this is not viable; feel free to contact us.

Countering False Claims

Copy pasta for messaging people about their false claims (because yes unfortunately this does happen…) to approach it with respect but also some sternness is below. If this is not met with compliance more sternness is warranted in addition to reporting features offered by some platforms. Most cases are extremely obvious, however, if you find an edge case (i.e. slight exaggerations of tasks completed) in resume’s please bring up in #leads or leadership meetings and the leadership team can decide on any potential actions together. All stronger actions should only be executed upon agreement of the leadership team.

Hey <name>, <saw or was sent> your <LinkedIn profile and/or resume> and <wasn't or am not> a fan of your description for your involvement with WARG. Currently it states you're a <position> working <project> whereas it's my understanding you <have not even joined the team by completing a bootcamp or aren’t actually doing these things>. Please get it updated ASAP.

Please do not falsely claim involvement with WARG in your resume or when speaking with individuals. We maintain a strict member definition of the team within https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AD/pages/2318500191/Member+Definition .