Archived Subteam Descriptions

Archived Subteam Descriptions

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Subteam Descriptions

Sometimes newer members aren’t sure which subteam they should try out! Feel free to read the descriptions below and ask in discord if you have further questions.


The Mechanical subteam works on the design, construction, and testing of remotely piloted aircraft. Team members gain exposure to the design process and make justifiable mechanical design decisions based on project limitations and requirements.


Operations help with sponsorship outreach, finance management, marketing campaigns, and produce graphic designs. Team members can gain both administrative and managerial experience as the designated support division for our technical subteams, ensure the remainder of the team have access to sufficient resources to meet their project deliverables and succeed.


The Electrical subteam designs custom aircraft and flight circuitry, including flight controllers, motor controllers, voltage regulators, and more. Learn the ins and outs of schematic and PCB design, manufacturing, and hardware testing/validation.

Embedded Flight Software

Embedded Flight Software (EFS) develops custom flight software supporting sensor interfacing, controls, and autonomy. This includes writing state machines for path management and telemetry, writing sensor drivers, and implementing control algorithms such as PID loops.


Autonomy writes software for our UAV to deal in its environment on its own and work for extended periods of time without the pilot's intervention. The Autonomy team trains YOLO models to run real-time object detection on the ground, write software for optimizing path routes for the UAV to follow, and develop our custom Ground Station software that interacts with our aircraft in the air.




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