Mech Buying Proposal

Mech Buying Proposal



Price & Link





Price & Link




Higher than current tripods and taller than a regular person hold an antenna ~1 meter

Fairly Priced compared to the 2 meter version as it is half the costs and old 0.5m shorter(1.57 total height)

Probably lasts forever, and will only fail in extreme weathers and simple to replace



167cm max height

The stand for the tracking antenna system able to withstand high weight

Servo for Base

Similar specs to other servos, but main feature is continuous and is available on amazon. When failure occurs, many replacements are available at similar sizes.



High torque continuous servo

continously rotate the tower precisely

Pitch Servo

Same size as standard servo(4x4x2cm) but has waterproofing built in and has high torque which will be required if in the near future other antennas are mounted that are long and forward heavy. (Futureproofing).

Same failure reasoning as the other servo

$43 dollars (this one is higher torque and it probably fits future antennas better)



need high torque to lift the antenna and bmx precisely

Servo for Antenna




High speed servo


Brass Inserts

Misc for project, allows better screw holes and hardware and enabled acrylic/PC/3D printed stuff to have threaded holes.



100 M3 inserts of differing depths

a better screw?

Bearing (6804zz)

A fairly large ring bearing, chosen to allow the top plate to balance easily in the center press fit slot. Can be replaced with similar sizes but will need a base redesign. Also a pretty common and cheap size from bearing suppliers.


one is enough but if we want a spare incase of rusty or weather damage that would good too

the tracking antenna moving mechnaism

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