Embedded Flight Software 2023-2024 Goals

Embedded Flight Software 2023-2024 Goals

Comp Projects

  • Simple System Manager

  • Tracking Antenna

  • Related Drivers

Non-Comp Projects

  • Fixed wing Zeropilot flight

  • Quad Zeropilot flight

  • Related Drivers

  • Simulator

Task: Tracking Antenna

end goal : Take MAVLink and point antenna @ drone


  • PID algorithm

  • Testing & Integration.

integration painers

  • Not enough background to hit the ground running.

Milestones / Check-INs


  • Yaw only, stretch fully complete by end of term.

    • Test what we can test.

Task ZP3.5: To simplify in an effort to get something flying

end goal : something is flying


  • All Comp Projects

  • Simplification of ZP and LOS

  • Adhering to milestones

  • Flight tests

  • Teaching new/current members COTS solutions

integration painers

  • integrated with Autonomy on SimpleSystemManager

  • require hardware/mech support for fixed wing drones, tracking antenna.

  • A lot of people think that checking in code is done, not enough testing.

Milestones / Check-INs

  1. Fixed wing manual (stick input to servo/motor output)

    1. MANUAL Mode — Plane documentation

    2. PPM or SBUS input

    3. PWM output

    4. Arm/Disarm

    5. RSSI or Watchdog

  2. Fly with Logging and Telemetry

    1. Basic Telemetry Manager (works with MAVLink Mission planner)

    2. RFD900 drivers

    3. SD driver

  3. Fixed wing Fly By Wire A (stick inputs map to pitch and roll angles, others are same as acro)

    1. FBWA Mode (FLY BY WIRE_A) — Plane documentation

    2. Sensor Fusion with AHRS

    3. IMU

    4. Introduction to Atitude Manager

    5. Telemetry Manager PID value upload

  4. Fixed wing Fly By Wire B (same as fbwa but will hold altitude)

    1. FBWB Mode (FLY BY WIRE B) — Plane documentation

    2. Additions to Attitude Manager

    3. GPS driver

    4. Altimeter as alternative to GPS

    5. Airspeed

  5. Fixed wing cruise (hold ground track (wind compensation)

    1. CRUISE Mode — Plane documentation

    2. Further additions to attitude manager

  6. Fixed Wing Auto Take Off

    1. Path manager auto take off

  7. Fixed Wing Full Auto

    1. Telemetry Manager

      1. Return to home

      2. waypoints/flight plan

      3. hover

  8. Fixed Wing Auto Landing

    1. Path Manager auto landing

    2. Telemetry Manager Land command


Quad Milestones

  1. Quad Acro

    1. target pitch yaw roll rates

    2. Acro Mode — Copter documentation

  2. quad stabilize

    1. auto leveling

    2. target pitch/roll angles

    3. Stabilize Mode — Copter documentation

  3. quad alt hold

    1. hold altitude

    2. Altitude Hold Mode — Copter documentation

  4. quad loiter

    1. hold position

    2. Loiter Mode — Copter documentation

  5. Quad auto take off

  6. Quad auto landing

  7. Quad auto flight


Quad development/testing starts after fixed wing milestone 3 has been achieved




Spring 2023

  • Simple system manager

  • Tracking Antenna

  • Fixed wing milestone 1 and 2

Fall 2023

Winter 2024


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