Pegasus 2 Current Analysis
Pixhawk Current Analysis
Current maximums are taken from the devices listed in Big Quad 2025 - SysInt - WARG
Available Current
1.5A current lim for telem1 port
1.5A current lim for all other ports combined
Connected Device Maximums
GPS (x2)
200mA x2 = 400mA
Negligible current, mostly signals
300mA (rounded up from 280 specified)
LED Board Rev4
60mA per LED x10 = 600mA
STM32 abs max 100mA (but we shouldnt get near that)
Realistically around 5mA. Consider it negligible
Diversity RX
On Telem 1, which has its own current limit.
β€ 70 mA avg at 12V
100mA peak
From components datasheet, 50+10 = 60mA
Round to 100mA?
Optical flow
Not specified
These devices sum to 1.5 A which is equal to the current limit
I rounded up for a lot of calculations but also ignore opflow
These are max vals and I am not concerned about the current setup reaching the limit but I think it is too close to add servos
Servos should be controlled off PDB with a servo module
PDB Current Analysis
Continuous Current
500A total
180s continuous rating duration
Burst Current
1000A total
5s rating time
12V BEC/Regulator
3A current rating
β€ 70 mA avg at 12V
100mA peak
Got lots of current to spare for pumps
Each pump is rated for 500mA, so worst case of 2 pumps, we are still chillin and can run they way overcurrent