Operations Responsibilities

Operations Responsibilities


The responsibilities of the operations team are defined in this document. Note that some lower-priority responsibilities may be ignored if the operations team does not have sufficient bandwidth at a given time. Responsibilities are listed in the order of priority.

Operations has a lot of overlap and crossover with the administration side of the team so this document somewhat defines where Operations responsibilities end and where Director tasks begin.

Operations Responsibilities

  • Finance

    • Managing the financial spreadsheet and making sure it is up to date. May also include communicating with WEEF, EngSoc, and other university authorities to work out disparities between ours and their spreadsheets.

  • Sponsorships

    • Following up with companies via email and making sure companies that sponsor WARG get the benefits promised in the most up-to-date sponsorship package.

    • Also includes acquiring WEEF, EngSoc, Dean’s and MEF funding by driving our propsal plans forward.

  • Media

    • Taking photos and videos at flight test, workshops, competition, and compiling these into platform-friendly clips, posts, and edited videos for either the Instagram or Youtube. (or any other social media platform that WARG is active on).

    • Includes gathering content for use with relation to sponsorships.

    • Includes setting precedence for branding for email, report, and presentation branding

  • Recruitment

    • Reaching out to students through social media, posters, signs, department announcements, open-house days, etc., in order to gain recognition and engagement across the student body.

  • Website

    • Regularly updating WARG’s website with new sponsors and leads.

    • May also include updating team photos. (Anything that falls under site maintenance). Updating and improving the UI and graphics on the website is also encouraged.

    • Blog-style posts may also be implemented and should be administrated by Operations.

  • Merch

    • Communicating with merch suppliers and regularly conducting merch runs: can include things like hoodies, t-shirts, jackets, patches, water bottles, hats. May involve ordering sample size(s) and opening an interest form for specific kinds of merchandise.

Not Operations Responsibilities

  • Recruitment

    • Directors are responsible for delivering key recruitment speeches and presentation.

  • Socials

    • Each subteam is responsible for setting up their own subteam’s socials.

    • Inter and Intra Team socials should be coordinated with Directors.

  • Administration

    • Organizing and maintaining Confluence, Discord, and other services.

    • Essentially ensuring our key platforms are usable falls onto the directors

  • Logistics

    • Logistics for competition and flight tests is on directors though support regarding financial decisions will involve operations.

  • Licensing

    • Ensuring the team is in legal compliance and ready for competition is primarily on Directors.

Further Information


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