Python Repository

Python Repository


Instructions on setting up and using a Python repository.


Activate the virtual environment (see below for instructions) and follow the instructions provided by the README.


Activate the virtual environment, and follow the instructions:


This is only needed to be done once before doing anything.

Install Git if it has not already been installed: Git

  • Windows: Use the Windows Credential Manager if you do not want to use SSH keys

Install Python 3.8 if it has not already been installed: Welcome to Python.org

  • The version matters, do not use any other version! 3.8.n, n is not important

Find the Git link in the repository:

  1. In GitHub, in the repository front page, click on the green button on the right with <> Code

  2. In the dropdown:

    1. Windows: Use the HTTPS link

    2. Linux: Use the SSH link

Clone repository to local:

git clone [repository link] cd [repository name] git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

Create and activate the virtual environment (see below for instructions).

Update pip: pip install --upgrade pip

Install the required Python packages: Instructions found in the README.

  • Often you will see: pip install -r requirements.txt . Do NOT blindly run this command! Every repository is different in how to install packages.

Virtual Environment

The Python virtual environment is a mechanism to isolate Python environments between projects. This is especially useful for dependencies that require specific versions of Python and/or packages.

Creation and Deletion

Autonomy uses venv as the name for virtual environments. Do not use any other name! If you already have a virtual environment with a different name, please delete the directory from your local repository.

Create the virtual environment in the top level directory of the local repository: python3 -m venv venv/


Activate the environment:

  • Windows command prompt: venv\Scripts\activate.bat

  • Windows Powershell: venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1

  • Linux and MacOS: source venv/bin/activate

(venv) is now prefixed, which means you are now in the environment.

Ensure the correct version of Python is installed: python --version

  • Should be Python 3.8


When you are done, deactivate the environment if you are using the same terminal for another repository:

  • Windows command prompt: venv\Scripts\deactivate.bat

  • Windows Powershell, Linux, and MacOS: deactivate