Autonomy Bookshelf

Machine Learning

Computer Vision


Unsupervised Data

A goal of processing large amounts of unsupervised (i.e. unlabelled) data is to be able to find relationships between and group points without knowing how they are distributed originally.

A mixture model is the grouping of points. As with all models, the resulting model can be a very good representation or be completely off.

There are several algorithms:

  • k-means: Groups closest points to each other (the mean) given a known group count

  • Gaussian Mixture Model: Groups points in a Gaussian (Normal) manner given a known group count

    • How it is implemented:

  • Variational Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Model: Groups points but the group count is unknown

Belief Update

Log odds make it easier to operate with odds by making the odds symmetric on both sides:

Video encoding


The theory behind video encoding:
