Flutter Repository


Instructions on setting up and using a Flutter repository.

Flutter is a GUI framework for the Dart programming language.




This is only needed to be done once before doing anything.

Install Git if it has not already been installed: Git

Install Flutter if it has not already been installed: https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install

  • When unzipping: Do not keep the version number as Flutter has automatic update

  • Add to Path: [flutter unzip location]/flutter/bin/

    • Don’t forget bin

  • Disable analytics:

    • flutter config --no-analytics

    • dart --disable-analytics

      • If this crashes, uninstall and reinstall Git

    • VS Code:

      • Go to settings: Ctrl+, OR File→Preferences→Settings

      • Search for telemetry

      • Set to off

  • Ignore the setup sections after flutter doctor and setting the path

Clone repository to local:

git clone [repository link]