What does a barometer do? How do they work?
A barometric pressure sensor is used to measure the atmospheric pressure measurement in environments. The way the work is dependent on the type of sensor (of which there exists many), two of which are:
Aneroid barometer
Consists of an aneroid cell
Aneroid cell expands/contracts when there small changes to atmospheric pressure
Movement from cell causes mechanical levers to amplify, resulting in display pointers to trigger and register as readings on the front display
MEMS Barometric Pressure Sensor
Contains a diaphragm that’s formed through one capacitive plate that’s in contact with the atmosphere
Atmospheric pressure is detected through how much the diaphragm is deformed due to resulting pressure (higher pressure → more diaphragm moves → higher barometer)
What specs/metrics should you be looking at when you select a barometer?
Operation range
Upper and lower limits of pressure the sensor can detect
Absolute accuracy
Combination of relative pressure error and offset error
Offset error can be removed with calibration
Relative accuracy
Noise in pressure
Long-term stability
Need to make periodic calibration to keep sensor accurate
Overtime, the sensor will get less accurate
Maximum Sampling Rate
Temperature Coefficient Offset