ZeroPilot 3.0 Hardware (ZP3HW)

ZeroPilot 3.0 Hardware (ZP3HW)

Status: Active

Current Owners: @Daniel Puratich

Past Contributors: Daniel, Ethan, Darwin

This page is just a culmination of ZP3HW info that didn't belong in other places. Most other information on this project can be found as subpages here, in meeting minutes, and the architecture doc: ZeroPilot 3.0.

Zero-Pilot 3.0 Project


Assembly State: Comedy

ZeroPilot 3.0 ( ZP3 ) is our custom in house flight controller board! The project’s latest version can be found on our Altium 365, here. For access to WARG’s Altium 365, please message Daniel.

The flight controller will have input interfaces from sensors, computer vision’s computer system, and our drone’s ground communication system. Zeropilot 3.0 will be able to output control signals to all flight control surfaces aka motors/servos on the UAS (unmanned aerial system). The board will use a microcontroller which firmware will use to execute our flight logic.

Weekly architecture meeting have been held in late May and early June to make major decisions with the firmware team, see here for notes. Overall the project has been broken down into five sections designed for ownership by one or a small group of electrical members. These sections are defined below along with their owners.

For all custom EE flight hardware, including ZP3: mounting holes should be 3.400mm and with 6.000mm plating, electrically not connected.





ZP 3.0 Primary IC: STM32L562ZET6Q


Decided in some Mech meeting and documented in discord: “For all custom EE flight hardware going forward: mounting holes should be 3.400mm and with 6.000mm plating, electrically not connected. This is also noted in confluence.” discord message 2023-02-11 - EE Hardware Mounting Hole Specification


XT60 Gender Decisions comply with: 2023-02-11 - Connector Clarifications



For all custom EE flight hardware going forward: mounting holes should be 3.400mm and with 6.000mm plating, electrically not connected. This is also noted in confluence.





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