Deprecated Power Distribution Stuff

Deprecated Power Distribution Stuff



Power Distribution Architecture

Research Topics

Centralized vs. Split Power Distribution Architecture

  • Research advantages and disadvantages of a centralized power distribution architecture versus a split power distribution architecture with multiple duplicated voltage rails (5V, 12V, 24V, etc.)

Buck Converter or Buck Boost Converter. What about Buck-Boost Converters?

  • Research advantages and disadvantages between using a buck converter versus a boost converter to generate a desired voltage rail (Ex. if I need to make a low power consumption rail of 24V, and I have both a 12V and a 50V rail, should I use a buck converter to step down 50V to 24V? Or, should I use a boost converter to step up 12V to 24V?

  • In what applications should we use buck-boost converters?

Buck Converter Sourcing

  • Research a list of manufacturers, suppliers with available in stock buck converter ICs

Optional Current Sense Interface

  • Should the connector interface for optional current sense of the voltage regulator buck converter PCB modules be V_sense+ and V_sense-, or I_sense and GND? That is, should the buck converter PCBs send the raw Kelvin-sensed signals to a connector, or should the PCBs have a dedicated current sense amplifier from which the output and GND is sent to a connector?