Deprecated Power Distribution Stuff
Power Distribution Architecture
Research Topics
Centralized vs. Split Power Distribution Architecture
Research advantages and disadvantages of a centralized power distribution architecture versus a split power distribution architecture with multiple duplicated voltage rails (5V, 12V, 24V, etc.)
Buck Converter or Buck Boost Converter. What about Buck-Boost Converters?
Research advantages and disadvantages between using a buck converter versus a boost converter to generate a desired voltage rail (Ex. if I need to make a low power consumption rail of 24V, and I have both a 12V and a 50V rail, should I use a buck converter to step down 50V to 24V? Or, should I use a boost converter to step up 12V to 24V?
In what applications should we use buck-boost converters?
Buck Converter Sourcing
Research a list of manufacturers, suppliers with available in stock buck converter ICs
Optional Current Sense Interface
Should the connector interface for optional current sense of the voltage regulator buck converter PCB modules be V_sense+ and V_sense-, or I_sense and GND? That is, should the buck converter PCBs send the raw Kelvin-sensed signals to a connector, or should the PCBs have a dedicated current sense amplifier from which the output and GND is sent to a connector?