Zeropilot 4.0 Hardware (ZP4HW)

Zeropilot 4.0 Hardware (ZP4HW)

Table of Contents

The Big Idea

  • Copy the Pixhawk’s functionality except:

    • a device with more compute for autonomy to do airside processing (an RPi 5)

    • support more CAN transceivers for our push to CAN infrastructure and remove all extra unneeded connectors

  • Single Stack for the drone’s LV processing system to minimize assembly effort

    • flight controller would be a RPi hat

    • stack would be: RPI5 + LTE hat + anything we want + zp4

  • Leave the HV stuff separate from this stack

    • this allows for us to do weight balance and wire length optimizations still and keeps our system somewhat flexible.

  • This project is far out (as of May 2024)

    • We should wait for this to become more necessary as time keeps slipping into the future.

    • If EE has available to start now (or as soon as possible) we should because this is a large endeavor

    • As time goes forward we will get more new features and ideas so no point in the huge rush.

  • Add more CAN transcievers

    • ensure we have at least four? keeps the datarate high enough for our new CAN infrastructure, pixhawk only has two CAN transcieverss

    • discussion

  • Optimize for our platform

    • from a high level this has all been done before, we need to optimize for our platform once we define our system architecture



Implementation Details

  • We need to be extremely cautious on the mounting of the IMU and barometer ICs as they are in the pixhawk

  • We should pick the most powerful ardupilot supported microcontroller from the list (STM32H755 or something).

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