2024 Competition Noise
2024 Competition Noise
Was using a 900MHz resonant yagi and sdrplay r1pa or whatever its called.
at Alma Quebec measured on 5/24/2024
Raw Notes
902 to 928 is RFDs
looked clear before people
889mhz range has some broadband
889MHz it stops
885.250Mhz it starts
890.4MHz there's a small thing, but it's separate
884.6mhz stop
880.2 mhz start
possible lte
708MHz in 707MHz as well, some strong stuff as well, no band here?
same on 706mhz
292.3MHz very narrow but extremely strong noise
suspected lte noise
730 START, 15DB IN 729.5mhz start
755.8mhz stop
751.2mhz start
519.7mhz small low amplitude
1240mhz ch 8 vtx
-> 6mhz range in theory fir our vtx channel -> looks good when vtx is off
we tried “ch8” and “ch9” and its ight
pre strong noise
on and off
very narrowband