2023-10-14: Pegasus Hover, ZP3.5 M1, & Pilot Trainning


  • Houston Flight:

    • Provide new pilot @Hardy Yu with flight training time.

    • Houston for pilot training in stabilize mode

  • Pegasus Hover Test:

    • Ensure Pegasus flies without oscillations in stabilize, altitude hold, and position hold flight modes.

    • Pegasus successfully hover and under the control from pilot

  • Tubie Flight:

    • Verify ZP3.5 software is functional for fixed wing flight

    • Tubie form aircraft installed with ZP3.5 firmware is able to fly

Flight Test was requested on October 10th as a part of AEAC runup plan by @Daniel Puratich .

This timeline is Heavily Weather Dependent and consequently dates and times will not be explicitly specified, merely the order of events. @Hardy Yu and @Daniel Puratich leading schedule coordination.

  • Week before checklist

  • Morning of checklist

  • Gather at the bay

  • pre-departure checklist

  • Pre flight briefing

  • Drive to location

  • Pre-flight Houston

  • Houston Training Flight

  • Pre-flight Pegasus

  • Pegasus Flight

  • Pre-flight Tubie

  • Tubie flight

  • debrief


List contains all possible human resources available for flight test support!

  • @Daniel Puratich

    • Role:

      • Flight Test Lead

      • Flight Test Director

      • Safety

      • Tubie Pilot

      • Documentation Director

      • Electrical

    • Justification

      • TC Basic

      • US HAM

      • Exec Director

      • Flight test Requestor

  • @Nathan Green

    • Role

      • Pegasus Pilot

      • Houston Pilot

      • Driver

    • Justification:

      • TC Basic

      • Flight Experience

      • SDC approved driver

  • @Aaditya Chaudhary

    • Role

      • Tubie Pilot

    • Justification:

      • TC Basic

      • ZP3.5 / EFS Lead

  • @Hardy Yu

    • Role:

      • Flight Test Coordinator

      • Houston Pilot

    • Justification:

      • TC Basic

      • Coordination Experience

  • @Aidan Bowers (Deactivated)

    • Role:

      • Tubie Pilot

        Pegasus Pilot

    • Justification:

      • TC Basic

      • Flight Experience

  • @Yuchen Lin

    • Role:

      • Telemetry Manager (RFD900)

    • Justification:

      • Experience with RFD900 configuration and setup

      • ZP3.5 software developer

  • @Conall Kingshott

    • Role:

      • Driver

      • Mechanical Manager

    • Justification:

      • Drivers license

      • Mech Lead

  • @Alison Thompson

    • Role:

      • Mechanical Member

    • Justification:

      • Experienced Mech Member

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

    • Role:

      • Photographer

    • Justifications:

      • Photography Experience

      • Ops + Media Lead

  • @Ayoung Eun

    • Role:

      • Tubie Manager (Nucleo/Software)

    • Justification:

      • EFS lead

      • ZP3.5 software developer

  • @Nathan Green Personal Vehicle (1 driver + 4 passengers + aircraft room)

    • @Daniel Puratich

    • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

    • @Ayoung Eun

    • SDC Rev 4 will not be available

  • @Conall Kingshott Personal Vehicle (1 driver + 3 passengers + carrying room)

    • @Hardy Yu

    • @Alison Thompson

We do not have our usual WRESTRC booked. @Hardy Yu decided upon https://maps.app.goo.gl/XBr7u8oXZkMhzEAC8 and approved following discussion in Discord!

