2023-11-11 Flight Tests


Sections for requesting team to fill out:

  • Admin preparation

  • Test Cards / Test Plan

  • Mandatory Attendees

Sections for flight test coordinator to fill out:

  • Flightline team

  • Location

  • Status

  • Drone

Sections for flightline team to fill out:


Admin Preparation

Requested By

@Hardy Yu

Sub-Team Review

(To be checked once reviewed by sub-team representative)


Date of Request

Oct 25, 2023

Goal Summary

Houston AutoTune / Pilot Training w/ Houston



Desired Airframe

Houston / Pegasus / Tubie

Desired Date(s)

Approx Date range for help out with FTC Scheduling

Testplan - to be filled out by requesting team

Card 1, Test #1: Houston un-tuned parameter check



Knock off Criteria

  • Initial Frame paramaters set on Houston

  • using Alt-A utility tool

  • Familiarize pilots with system response of untuned drone.

  • Airframe unstable

  • Battery < 10.1v overall, < 3.3v/cell

  • Flight Time > 10 minutes



  1. Switch into Attitude/Stabilize mode using FM1 button

  • Drone beep,

  • Mission planner shows “STAB” or “Stabilize”

  1. Takeoff in Attitude mode, control check in each direction.

    1. Full stick deflection on each axis

    2. Full stick deflection “rocking” on each axis

  • Watch for drone response, how “long” it takes to get to the setpoint.

  1. Switch to Loiter mode, using FM3 button

  • Drone beep

  • Mission planner shows “LOIT” or “Loiter”

  • Drone holds position

  1. Full stick deflection, same as (2)

  • Watch for drone response

  • Watch for drone stability

  1. Land

  • Don't crash

Card 2, Test #1: Houston Autotune, Pitch



Knock off Criteria

  • Autotune research done.

  • Rpi, Camera removed.

  • Aircraft solid, screws tightened, etc.

  • ATUN_Axis set to pitch

  • get pilots/GSO familiar with the procedure of how to autotune

  • Autotune houston in pitch axis

  • autotune complete

  • Airframe unstable

  • Battery < 10.1v overall, < 3.3v/cell

  • Flight Time > 15 minutes

  • Nearby obstacles distance < 30m



  1. Switch into Loiter using FM3 button on tx16.

  • Drone beep,

  • Mission planner shows “LOIT” or “Loiter”

  1. Takeoff in Loiter, fly to a safe distance and around 8 -12 m altitude

  • Watch for drone stability, ensure systems OK.

  1. Switch into Autotune by using FM5 button on TX16.

  • Drone beep

  • Mission planner shows “ATUN” or “Autotune” in HUD

  1. Wait for Autotune to complete

  • Pilot: Watch for drone stability and clear of objects. Do not touch sticks unless necessary

    • (still have control ability when nearby object become close)

  • GSO: Watch for autotune messages, make sure no failures. Enusre order of messages correct.

  1. Autotune complete message received

  • Crosscheck atune complete

    • GSO:


    • Pilot: observe drone not significant movement

  1. Switch into Loiter, fly back to a closer distance

  • This will revert to old tune.

  • Ensure system OK, sensors OK

  1. Switch into autotune, land, disarm, power and power cycle + battery check

  • This will apply new tunes and then save them.

  • We will do a 3-axis controls check once all autotune is complete.

Card 2, Test #2: Houston Autotune, YAW



Knock off Criteria

  • Autotune research done.

  • Rpi, Camera removed.

  • Aircraft solid, screws tightened, etc.

  • ATUN_Axis set to YAW

  • get pilots/GSO familiar with the procedure of how to autotune

  • Autotune houston in pitch axis

  • autotune complete

  • Airframe unstable

  • Battery < 10.1v overall, < 3.3v/cell

  • Flight Time > 10 minutes

  • Nearby obstacles distance < 30m



  1. Switch into Loiter using FM3 button on tx16.

  • Drone beep,

  • Mission planner shows “LOIT” or “Loiter”

  1. Takeoff in Loiter, fly to a safe distance and around 8-12 m altitude

  • Watch for drone stability, ensure systems OK.

  1. Switch into Autotune by using FM5 button on TX16.

  • Drone beep

  • Mission planner shows “ATUN” or “Autotune” In HUD

  1. Wait for Autotune to complete

  • Pilot: Watch for drone stability and clear of objects. Do not touch sticks unless necessary

  • GSO: Watch for autotune messages, make sure no failures. Enusre order of messages correct.

  1. Autotune complete message received

  • Crosscheck atune complete

    • GSO:


    • Pilot: observe drone not significant movement

  1. Switch into Loiter, fly back to a closer distance

  • This will revert to old tune.

  • Ensure system OK, sensors OK

  1. Switch into autotune, land, disarm.

  • This will apply new tunes and then save them.

  • We will do a 3-axis controls check once all autotune is complete.

Card 2, Test #3: Houston Autotune, Roll



Knock off Criteria

  • Autotune research done.

  • Rpi, Camera removed.

  • Aircraft solid, screws tightened, etc.

  • ATUN_Axis set to roll

  • get pilots/GSO familiar with the procedure of how to autotune

  • Autotune houston in pitch axis

  • autotune complete

  • Airframe unstable

  • Battery < 10.1v overall, < 3.3v/cell

  • Flight Time > 10 minutes



  1. Switch into Loiter using FM3 button on tx16.

  • Drone beep,

  • Mission planner shows “LOIT” or “Loiter”

  1. Takeoff in Loiter, fly to a safe distance and around 8-12 m altitude

  • Watch for drone stability, ensure systems OK.

  1. Switch into Autotune by using FM5 button on TX16.

  • Drone beep

  • Mission planner shows “ATUN” or “Autotune” in HUD

  1. Wait for Autotune to complete

  • Pilot: Watch for drone stability and clear of objects. Do not touch sticks unless necessary

  • GSO: Watch for autotune messages, make sure no failures. Enusre order of messages correct.

  1. Autotune complete message received

  • Crosscheck atune complete

    • GSO:


    • Pilot: observe drone not significant movement

  1. Switch into Loiter, fly back to a closer distance

  • This will revert to old tune.

  • Ensure system OK, sensors OK

  1. Switch into autotune, land, disarm.

  • This will apply new tunes and then save them.

  • We will do a 3-axis controls check once all autotune is complete.


Card 3, Test #1: Houston tuned parameter check



Knock off Criteria

  • Autotune card 2 Test 1-3 complete.

  • Characterize tuned system response

  • Compare against un-tuned system response.

  • Airframe unstable

  • Battery < 10.1v overall, < 3.3v/cell

  • Flight Time > 10 minutes



  1. Switch into Attitude/Stabilize mode using FM1 button

  • Drone beep,

  • Mission planner shows “STAB” or “Stabilize”

  1. Takeoff in Attitude mode, control check in each direction.

    1. Full stick deflection on each axis

    2. Full stick deflection “rocking” on each axis

  • Watch for drone response, how “long” it takes to get to the setpoint.

  1. Switch to Loiter mode, using FM3 button

  • Drone beep

  • Mission planner shows “LOIT” or “Loiter”

  • Drone holds position

  1. Full stick deflection, same as (2)

  • Watch for drone response

  • Watch for drone stability

  1. Land

  • Don't crash

Test #1: Pilot Training - @Yuchen Lin



Knock off Criteria

  • aircraft ready

  • stabilze mode quad drone control tranining

  • runout of batteries

  • crash

  • tried





Test #2: Pilot Training - @Hardy Yu



Knock off Criteria

  • aircraft ready

  • stabilze mode quad drone control tranining

  • runout of batteries

  • crash

  • tried





Necessary Preparation

Necessary Preparation

Necessary items:

  • N/A

Flight characteristics needed:

  • Require long flight endurance (needs more batteries)

Comms / Support needed:

  • TBD

Mandatory Attendees


Phone #




Phone #



 @Hardy Yu




@Yuchen Lin




Flightline Team


Phone #




Phone #



 @Jerry Tian


 Driver / Helper


@Daniel Puratich




Pre-Flight Preparation


Raspberry Pi can collect images with the $200 CV Camera
Test the imaging repository with the Raspberry Pi and confirm images are taken and stored on the SD card
Edit the rc.local and ensure that image collection code runs on Raspberry Pi startup
Raspberry Pi can be powered onboard the drone. Need help from the Electrical team.
Raspberry Pi and $200 CV Camera are mounted onto Houston. The $200 CV Camera needs to be pointing in the downards direction.. Need help from the Mechanical team.
Flight test location booked
Drone Registration -
Pegasus → flying on vanny registration
Ensure we have good props for Pegasus after last tests crash
Telemetry Verified Functional - @Nathan Green to verify with new LTE connectors
@Nolan Haines Schematic for and delegating manufacturing of anti-spark connector configuration
@Daniel Puratich to update template with all the new things he added to this template this time
@Nathan Green add to Onedrive logs from last time
@Georgia Vachon Westerlund uploading past test images to onedrive media
@Conall Kingshott potentially slop on landing gear
@Hardy Yu purchase request for more crossfire Rxs
Pilot scheduled - @Daniel Puratich
Test Plan - @Daniel Puratich
Initial frame parameters set - @Nathan Green
Verify we have wrestrc card
Systems test - @Daniel Puratich
Check flight controller orientation - @Nathan Green
Check motor spin & rotation direction - @Nathan Green
Check DSHOT configuration (DS300, bidir?)
Motors plugged into correct pins on pixhawk
Verify motors 1,2,3,4 in motor test go in the correct order
Verify motors in a,b,c,d configuration is correct order
verify rotational response of motors is correct (with more than just audio), move the drone around and check each motors reponse individually
Check transmitter mappings
Verify communication links
Ammeter working - @Nathan Green
Verify data logging - @Nathan Green checked SD card, its working
Transportation logistics finalized
Setting Failsafes, @Nathan Green


Incident Procedures

Flight Test Timeline













1:30 pm

Briefing @ WARG Bay


1:50 pm

Arrival at Flight Test Location



Flight Test Card #1…… (eg: Capturing data, tuning, etc)



Flight Test Card #2



Flight Test Card #…….N













  1. get the flight log and check with @Anthony Luo
