2024-01-20 Pegasus 4v6 battery Flight Test
FTC: Make sure to update the Title following the format “2020-01-30 Flight Test”
- 1 Flight Preparation
- 1.1 Mandatory Attendees
- 1.2 Auxilliary Attendees
- 1.3 Drivers & Seat Arrangement
- 1.4 Goals/Objectives
- 1.5 Flight Test Timeline
- 1.6 Incident Procedures
- 1.7 Week-Before To-Do List
- 1.8 Day-Before To-Do List
- 1.9 Pre-Departure Checklist
- 1.10 Pre-flight Safety Checklist
- 1.11 Flight Path Plan
- 1.12 Post-Flight Checklist
- 2 Flight Test Debrief
- 3 TODO:
- 3.1.1 Future tests
- 3.2 RCA for Red Item
- 3.3 Action Items
- 4 Other Resources
Flight Preparation
Requested by: | @Anthony Luo |
Required Sub-team integration efforts | Mech Electrical EFS CV Operation Sys-Int |
Date of Request | Jan 15, 2024 |
Location and Time | WRESTRC on Saturday Jan 20 |
Goal Summary | Be awesome & test 4 v 6 battery configurations |
Approved? | Yes / Pending / No |
Mandatory Attendees
Name | Phone # | Role | Reason |
@Megan Spee @Anthony Luo |
| Flight Test Director |
@Megan Spee @Anthony Luo |
| Pilot in Command Ground Station Operator |
| Safety |
@Anthony Luo @Nathan Green |
| (Subsystems integration, Secondary pilot, etc) |
Auxilliary Attendees
Name | Role |
@Yuchen Lin | Efs support |
@Alison Thompson | Mech support |
@Anthony Luo | General support |
Eugene Hong | Observer |
Huan-Yi Shen | Observer |
@Conall Kingshott | Handsomeness |
@Sam Zhang | Observer |
@Georgia Westerlund | Operations |
@Nathan Green | Mech |
@Tim Gu | EFS(?) |
Drivers & Seat Arrangement
Driver | Vehicle Type | Passengers/cargo |
@Anthony Luo | 5pass SUV |
@Megan Spee | 5-person liftback |
Eugene Hong | <(only driving himself)> | Huan-Yi Shen |
@Nathan Green | SDC Grey Dodge Caravan 3-277 |
Objective | Priority | Owner(s) |
Evaluate 4 vs 6 battery flight times.
| 1 |
Flight Test Timeline
Date/Time | Action |
0700 | Start battery charging |
0900 | Briefing @ WARG Bay |
0930 | Pre-departure loading + organization |
1000 | Arrival at Flight Test Location |
1015 | 4 battery endurance test → Autopilot to loiter in circles (we want to be in motion when evaluating flight time) until reaching min voltage of 3.3 V |
1100 | 6 battery endurance test → Autopilot to loiter in circles (want to be in motion) until reaching min voltage of 3.3V? |
1200 | Debrief |
Incident Procedures
Incident | Location | Procedure |
Crash | WRESTRC |
< otherwise > |
| |
Flyaway |
| See WRESTRC Site Survey for territory around this site. Note if the drone is headed in a direction towards any no-fly zones. Call relevant authorities. |
Fire | WRESTRC |
< otherwise > |
| |
Injury |
Property Damage |
Week-Before To-Do List
Day-Before To-Do List
Pre-Departure Checklist
Pre-flight Safety Checklist
couple of batteries 4 milliamps difference
quad X config
LTE, RFD900s for telemetry. LTE working, RFD not. Will figure this out after briefing
flight modes on controller: stabilize, alt hold, loiter, land, circle, RTL.
set drone to face in direction of travel. pitch to change radius, roll to change speed. does ardupilot fix this when it’s in ‘face in direction of travel’? will find out.
6 batt harness exists, no EE reps here at the moment.
Flight Path Plan
Essential Setups |
During the Flight |
Post-Flight Checklist
Item | Owner |
Use Flight-Post Mortem to Debrief | ALL MEMBERS PRESENT |
Discard of damaged batteries |
Discharge used batteries for better longevity |
Flight Test Debrief
Flight Test Timeline
10:15-25 leave the bay
10:45 got all parts to the site, started setting things up
11:15 takeoff - 6 battery combo
fly for ~ 28 minutes. to 11:42. Logging only lasted 23 minutes.
people driving back to pick up more batteries that are charging.
12:23 takeoff - 4 battery combo. 20 mins exactly. to 12:43
Analytics (hopefully applicable)
Barometer is not heated
barometer temperature was ~ just below freezing
the temp was oscillating based on the position it was in the circle.
Battery voltage
4 battery
voltage drops from 52-50 V to 49 when it arms. linearly decreases to 43 volts, when we decide to RTL. Recovers to 44.5 V after landing. 3.8 on each cell.
This flight recorded a total mAh used of around 6000? Check the logs again.
Can fly for 40 mins on 4 batteries. 8 m/s.
may get more efficient (distance-wise) if it gets slightly faster, according to @Andy Meng .
TODO: check this.
6 battery
Flight was conducted in circle mode, at an average speed of 7m/s.
Voltage sagged to ~ 49v when armed, and reached a minimum of ~ 43v after ~ 35 minutes of flight time.
Flight recorded a mAh used of around 8000?
voltage vs gps latitude.
Voltage was shown to be increasing/decreasing within the linear descent.
Wind estimation was not enabled, but comparing barometer temperature data to voltage indicates a positive correlation between wind direction, lower temperatures on the barometer, and higher current draw.
IE: flying into the wind takes more energy.
Knowing the characteristics of LiPo batteries, the linear voltage/time relation makes sense. This data was taken at -20C , with batteries in a poor condition due to previous use. We can assume that performance from any battery configuration will be at least 30% better in future flights, meaning that a 4-battery configuration should reasonably be able to fly for 50+ minutes.
Flight Test Post Mortem // Final Thoughts // Condensed Summary
Drone is physically intact
Flew for longer than expecting
Didn’t forget anything critical
Left reasonably soon (within ~30 mins of projected time)
Accomplished most of the goals
No control mapping problems with ardupilot
Pre-flight couple days went well (well prepared, only needed ~1 hour in the morning of)
Heated blankets worked (but not super well)
Circle mode worked and operated as predicted
LTE Temperature issue
RPi shuts off once it becomes too cold.
Observed at approx. 22-23 mins @ -12, -18w/wind. Cloudy skies
Charging batteries took a while
Balance current on our current charger is very slow - took a long time to balance charge.
RFD900 didn’t work
Pixhawk did not failsafe when the GS disconnected
GCS Disconnected (showed on GS)
Drone (air) side did not recognize loss of connection - thought it was still connected (still had heartbeat from mavproxy?)
Pilot could not fly the drone in the conditions. Gloves removed a ton of dexterity.
ELRS Backpack did not work.
Check ESC’s / Electronics for water/snow damage
“do better next time”:
2 pilots to switch off in the cold
weren’t quite sure who was responsible for everything leading up to the FT until @Anthony Luo got there
better defined roles for the flight test
who is setting up the drone
who is taking videos of it
mind heavy snow
bring a shovel or gravel bag or 2x4s
should communicate who needs to be there when on saturday morning
timing was ok for people. some people felt it was a bit early and others felt it was alright and could’ve been earlier.
Future tests
Future test to check efficiency of batteries @ differing airspeeds (2m/s increments)
RCA for Red Item
Create a RCA and keep it as a child page.
Action Items
Other Resources
Booking WRESTRC Field