2024-03-30 Pegasus E2E

Requesting team: Leads/Directors/Comp 24 team

Items TBD:

  • Test Procedures/Test Cards

Sections for flightline team to fill out:

  • Incident Procedures, communication preferences.

  • Test Cards

Admin Preparation

Requested By

@Megan Spee

Sub-Team Review

(To be checked once reviewed by sub-team representative)


Date of Request

Mar 17, 2024

Goal Summary

Test full pegasus system

Test groundside tracking antenna software



Desired Airframe

Pegasus, Houston

Desired Date(s)

March 30

Testplan - to be filled out by requesting team

Test 1 - Controls Checks


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Turn on drone



  1. Bring the drone to the flightline



  1. Enable logging



  1. Arm in Loiter.



  1. push Full stick deflection in all axises

Test the control of the drone

See the drone is comfrotable to the drone

  • Drone unstable

  • unable to establish VLOS

  • Timer threshold:

    • flight time exceeded 8 min.

    VBatt below 3.3v/cell (39.6V overall) safety threshold: 40V

    • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

    • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

    Lost link

    • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

    • Contact necessary local authorities.

  1. Manually land the drone


Flight time exceeds 8 mins

  • RTL and land. Evaluate battery condition.

VBatt below 40V:

  • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

  • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

Lost link

  • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

  • Contact necessary local authorities.

Test 2 -Circle Maneuver


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Turn on drone



  1. Bring the drone to the flightline



  1. Enable logging



  1. Arm in Loiter.



  1. have pilot Fly in circle

Get more experience flying Pegasus.

Control the drone better

  • Drone unstable

  • unable to establish VLOS

  • Timer threshold:

    • flight time within 8 min.

    VBatt below 3.3v/cell (39.6V overall) safety threshold: 40V

    • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

    • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

    Lost link

    • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

    • Contact necessary local authorities.

  1. Have pilot Fly in cicle pointed at the center

Get more experience flying Pegasus.

  • Drone unstable

  • unable to establish VLOS

  • Timer threshold:

    • flight time exceed 8 min.

    VBatt below 40V:

    • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

    • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

    Lost link

    • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

    • Contact necessary local authorities.

  1. Manually land the drone


Flight time exceeds 8 mins

  • RTL and land. Evaluate battery condition.

VBatt below 40V:

  • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

  • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

Lost link

  • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

  • Contact necessary local authorities.

Test 3 - Full Speed Testing


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Turn on drone



  1. Bring the drone to the flightline



  1. Enable logging



  1. Arm in Loiter.



  1. Full stick deflection until Full speed testing

Get more experience flying Pegasus.

Ensure the pilot understand the behavior of pegasus at full speed.

  • Drone unstable

  • unable to establish VLOS

  • Timer threshold:

    • flight time exceed 8 min.

    VBatt below 40V:

    • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

    • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

    Lost link

    • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

    • Contact necessary local authorities.

  1. Manually land the drone


Flight time exceeds 8 mins

  • RTL and land. Evaluate battery condition.

VBatt below 40V:

  • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

  • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

Lost link

  • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

  • Contact necessary local authorities.

Test 1 - Phone LTE, low alt


Goals / Objectives

knock-off criteria

  1. Turn on drone



  1. Bring drone to flightline



  1. Arm in Loiter



  1. Test the LTE at 10m (low altitude)

  • Ensure the ground station does not loss connection during the flight

  • Ensure that flight line team is communicating with ATC properly.

Telemtry failsafe:

  • RTL in 45 secs

VBatt below 40V

  • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

  • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

Lost link

  • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

  • Contact necessary local authorities.

  1. Land


Telemtry failsafe:

  • RTL in 45 secs

VBatt below 40V:

  • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

  • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

Lost link

  • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

  • Contact necessary local authorities.

Test 2 - Phone LTE, high alt


Goals / Objectives

knock-off criteria

  1. Turn on drone



  1. Bring drone to flightline



  1. Arm in Loiter



  1. Test the LTE at 100m (high altitude)

  • Ensure the ground station does not loss connection during the flight

  • Ensure that flight line team is communicating with ATC properly.

Telemtry failsafe:

  • RTL in 45 secs

VBatt below 40V:

  • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

  • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

Lost link

  • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

  • Contact necessary local authorities.

  1. Land


Telemtry failsafe:

  • RTL in 45 secs

VBatt below 40V:

  • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

  • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

Lost link

  • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

  • Contact necessary local authorities.

Test 1 - Phone LTE, speed


Goals / Objectives

knock-off criteria

  1. Turn on drone



  1. Bring drone to flightline



  1. Arm in Loiter



  1. Test the LTE at 18m/s (most efficient speed)

  • Ensure the ground station does not loss connection during the flight

  • Ensure that flight line team is communicating with ATC properly.

Telemtry failsafe:

  • RTL in 45 secs

VBatt below 40V:

  • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

  • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

Lost link

  • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

  • Contact necessary local authorities.

  1. Land


Telemtry failsafe:

  • RTL in 45 secs

VBatt below 40V:

  • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

  • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

Lost link

  • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

  • Contact necessary local authorities.

Test #1 - Straight waypoints


Goals / Objectives

knock-off criteria

  1. Turn on drone



  1. Run the Path_2024 script

  •  Ensure the path is uploaded to Pegasus

  •  unable to load the waypoint to pegasus

  1. Bring drone to flightline



  1. Arm in auto



  1. Run through waypoints in auto mission

  • Ensure that drone is following flight path

  • Ensure that flight line team is communicating with ATC properly.

VBatt below 40V:

  • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

  • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

Lost link

  • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

  • Contact necessary local authorities.

  1. Wait for drone to land!

  • Ensure this occurs within 60 seconds.


Test #2 - Spline Waypoints


Goals / Objectives

knock-off criteria

  1. Turn on drone



  1. Upload the Spline mission to Pegasus

  •  Ensure the path is uploaded to Pegasus

  •  unable to load the waypoint to pegasus

  1. Bring drone to flightline



  1. Arm in auto



  1. Run through waypoints in auto mission

  • Ensure that drone is following flight path

  • Ensure all the flight data are being logged

  • Ensure that flight line team is communicating with ATC properly.

VBatt below 40V:

  • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

  • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

Lost link

  • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

  • Contact necessary local authorities.

  1. Wait for drone to land!

  • Ensure this occurs within 60 seconds.



Necessary items:

  • Pegasus w/andruav

Flight characteristics needed:

Comms / Support needed:




Phone #




Phone #



@Yuchen Lin



~~~~ ~~~~

@Anthony Luo



Media, truck!!! logistics

















Flightline Team


Phone #




Phone #



@Yuchen Lin



Practicing for Comp

@Anthony Luo


GSO / Second Op






Pre-Flight Preparation


Software configuration correct

  • Compare against latest baselines and verify no params changed, or changes approved by comp-ft-team

  • Autopilot Orientation checked

  • Motors tested

  • Sensors outputs healthy & within range

  • Controller input mappings correct

  • Controller input choices correct for pilot preferences

  • Wireless trainer tested & working per pilot preferences.

Hardware (wiring)

  • Wires are not too tight or too loose (comfortable, not strained, not flapping around)

    • No cut/exposed wires

    • Shrouding is neat + presentable

    • Solder joints look good

      • no cracks

      • no corrossion

      • no exposed contacts (unless expected)

    • Connectors fully plugged in

    • Connectors in good health

Hardware (airframe)

  • Bolts secure (nothing loose)

    • Carbon fiber not cracked

    • 3D prints not failing / crushed / cracked

    • No loose items

Hardware (groundstation)

  • ELRS Gemini tested & Working

    • Logging correct

    • Data looks correct

    • Control tower tested & working

  • Tracking antenna x2 (control + video) (mechanical)

    • Servos secure

    • Hardware (antennas) secure

    • No cracks/bends/chips in polycarb/aluminum

    • Gears / shafts look healthy

    • Grease if necessary

  • Tracking antenna x2 (control + video) (electrical)

    • Electrical components secure

    • Power delivery / signal wires secure, no cracks/corrosion/damage

  • Video System

    • goggles(?)

    • Monitors(?)

    • Video tower tested & working

  • Laptop w/mission planner configured correctly.

    • LTE Link tested working

Flightline Kit

  • Spare motors

  • Spare props

  • Spare tools

    • Metric allen keys

    • Socket set

    • Pliers (flatnose + needle nose)

  • USB-C cable (short & long)

  • Soldering iron + heat shrink + spare cables

  • Power supplies for ground station computer

  • Ground station computer

  • Spare bolts

  • Radio Controllers

  • Mission plan clear

  • flightline roles assigned

  • Communication hierarchy established

  • Incident procedures & roles in-place & briefed to all flightline team members

  • Timeline for day-of clear

  • Battery charging plan, equipment management plan clear.

  • Transportation clear

Incident Procedures

Flight Test Timeline








Left Warg Bay

Was happy





Anni shows controlled descent



1-2, @ 20m










Noticed drifting, position and yaw














Noticing losing compass, and then position

Card 1

Success. Noticed yaw impulse on takeoff, and during some phases of flight. Looked like compass re-alignment, about 30-45 degrees jerk, no continual rotation noted.

Had hard-ish landing on 1-1, PIC instructed to land softer in future.

Card 1-1

Only desired yaw (from pilot) logged.

Card 1-1.5

Yaw impulse shown on logger

Event coincides with EKF_YAW_RESET.

Card 1-2

Also shows EKF_YAW_RESET on takeoff

Card 1-3

This is the first time PIC (yuchen) noticed yaw reset errors.

“This is the first time I noticed yaw errors. You would go fast and then at the end of your motion you would have a small ‘twitch’, and that would cause you to lose orientation of the drone. Then you would have to check the FPV cameras for orientation” - PIC (@Yuchen Lin )


Noticing that after a high speed section (orange “crest”), yaw deviation tends to occur.

Graphing motor outputs shows that multiple motors are hitting “minimum” control limits as the drone slows down.




Card 2

2-1 successful. Lost orientation. Recovered with FPV

Card 2-1

Flew around the forest, trying to detect LTE dropouts.

“Noticed yaw inconsistency, lost orientation around intersection between dirt/grass patch, likely on dirt. Hard to tell” - PIC (@Yuchen Lin )




Card 2-2

Noticed drone was losing position hold, drifting when off sticks. Noticed drone was yawing when off sticks.

Same issue with vibe&speed correlation

GPS data lines up, even when synthesized data jumps around:



Previous Flight test: