Landing Gear and Wheels

Landing Gear and Wheels

Landing Gear

Generally two types: tail dragger or tricycle 


tail dragger


  •  require a bit more skill to operate 

  • nose-over and ground loop can be troublesome during take-off and landing

  • wheels are ahead of the center of gravity which requires careful design so it will not run into problems above

  • wheels require minimum friction, landing gear place more forward to reduce nose-over

  • widening gear placement can avoid ground loop

  • two front wheels support most of the weight

  • can support more weight since there is a rear wheel



  • main wheels behind the center of mass

  • if the main wheels are not back enough the plane will teeter

  • if the nose wheel sits too high, it can be in flying position before gaining enough speed


types of wheels:  rubber, soft foam, plastic and Styrofoam


  • take off from a hard surface

  • better roll and grip

  • heavy


  • light and soft

  • less durable

  • take off from grass


  • light

  • not durable

  • do not grip well and can cause instability

  • cheap


  • superlight

  • take off from rocky terrian

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