10/28/21 Frame Design Review with Electrical
the servo is not centered
what did we say:
prototyping is wood
and then we’ll buy motors and go forth
electrical major components: currently just jetson and pi in the model
need arduino nano
custom electrical boards:
flight controller and power distribution board
2x vector nav (apparently has annoying antennas)
batteries: more expensive with two
10000mAh 6s ~$90
reduces potential issues with cell voltages between the two packs in paralllel
battery holder: 3d printed part, maybe velcro
slide out for battery → spacers not in the way
gimbal: detachable?
easy to take off if it breaks
try making it easily detachable
testing carbon fiber for signal blocking → ask to steal some from midnight sun
pilot camera should be facing forward
where to put pcbs? 10x15cm around
list for things with dimensions coming from kevin
The VectorNav Antennas are 57mm diameter discs, we need two of em on the top.
Landing gear → out of the way of the grabber
lots of drag because its kind of huge
retractable? bendy uppy
not priority because the grabber is so huge
Motors: going with TMotors, went over spreadsheet from https://uofwaterloo-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/personal/bchenier_uwaterloo_ca/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={4B538B5B-15FD-4DFC-A34E-8DE5A5CB4D63}&file=WARG Budget.xlsx&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.REC&ct=1634312863671&action=default&mobileredirect=true
yay it looks good
prototyping can begin as soon as:
center the gimbal
arm attachments need more than one thing each
arm length? fix it
slots instead of holes for zip ties
finalize design for those curvy arm holdy boys
the pilot camera should be facing forward
add all the other electrical stuff to the frame to make sure they all fit
[OPTIONAL] Cindy still doesn’t like the idea of using 3D printed spacers, try to find some aluminum ones I guess but not necessary for first prototype
listen if our main structural support is 3D printed we might as well just 3D print the entire frame instead of using carbon fiber
The arm holdy curvy boys can be 3D printed because theyre huge but the spacers? small weak
grabber needs to start designing connections