Project: IMACS Ground Station

Assignee - @Andrew Wright

Supervisor - @Megan Spee

Guiding Question

How can we mechanically integrate the Command Station into a compact, easily transportable Ground Station with full capability to monitor and communicate with the aircraft?


See the IMACS section in Andrew Wright [W23 Mech Co-op] - Startup Guide

Your Objectives

For now, feel free to use this document as your research. The phase outline below will be progressed later.



Write a document for the ideation, design, and construction of a Ground Station. This includes:

Phase 1

  • Identifying requirements

  • Outlining any open questions

  • Identifying stakeholders and associated sub-teams

Phase 2

  • Design proposals, aiming for multiple

    • These can be backed by research and/or prototyping

Phase 3

  • Sourcing materials

  • Construction