Interior Layout

Interior Layout


Big Project


Project Manager

Big Project


Project Manager

2024 Comp Drone


@Alison Thompson

Task Description

We need to decide on a seat layout and cargo bay size, as well as ensure windows and doors are in places that make sense. This task is to integrate all of the other cabin components. This task will require LOTS of communication and collaboration with other mech members.



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Written By

Append Date

chairs mounted

@Alison Thompson


cargo hold mounted

@Alison Thompson


window locations decided

@Alison Thompson


door locations decided

@Alison Thompson




Asana Task



Asana Task


@Evan Janakievski



Task Progression/Updates

Author: @Alison Thompson Date: 2024/03/27

CABIN V2 Review:

Cabin V2 Before CAD Review

This looks really nice! Minus the door not existing (I know that this is in the works), I have some small notes/questions to be answered:


  • These look much simpler than the last revision

  • If we keep the cutouts they should have filleted corners

  • The cutouts may make printing in LW PLA not work super well, I think filling these in and printing in LW PLA will be lighter than keeping them and printing in regular PLA

  • Similar feedback for the legs, I think switching to legs like this may print nicer in LW PLA even though its more material

  • If we are using 3D printed hooks to attach the seatbelts I think the hole for them between the barbies needs to be bigger or the hooks will have to be tiny and likely snap

  • I would also beef up the loops on the tops of the chairs so they don’t snap, LW PLA is pretty delicate

  • Would be worth making sure there is more material around the holes for heatsets, the heatset will likely break the legs as they are

Cargo Bay:




  • This is looking good!

  • Would suggest pushing it back up against the far wall and removing the back face of the compartments, this will let us use way less material

  • I am a little bit concerned the knobs for elastics are going to snap off, but worth printing as is to test

  • We can probably use 4 mounting holes instead of 5

  • I like the cutout for underneath for weight, worried when we print out of LW PLA it will be messy and require supports, maybe first rev we do this and if it prints gross we can fill it in

Aero-panel Mounting:

  • I like this solution!

  • Small idea for these for integration of the door, can we have the ones on the door side just have more surface area and put velcro on those? We won’t need another part to deal with keeping the door closed that way

Front Aero-panels:

  • The smoother curve is nice

  • do we need the whole area we have folded into the cabin? can we cut it off here?

  • I like the windows!

  • Could we remove the window on the back of the cabin? seems pointless to me

  • Can passenger windows be a little larger?

  • What material are the windows made of irl?


  • Are we sure that the door isn’t going to hit the legs of the landing gear? if it is we may need to shift to having only the section between the landing gear on the hinges and need to have side panels beside them permanently mounted

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