VTX Mount (Flywoo redesign)

VTX Mount (Flywoo redesign)


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Electronics Mounts

VTX Mount (New)

@Nathan Green

Task Description

Design a mount for the Flywoo 1.3GHz VTX (Flywoo 1.2GHz/1.3GHz 2W Video transmitter VTX-1G3 9CH ). Unfortunately, there is no CAD for this transmitter. The mounting holes are (likely) M3 in a 30x30mm square.



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Uses M3 clearance holes to mount onto the top plate’s 30x30 grid

@Nathan Green


Airflow to VTX heatsink

@Nathan Green


Power and antenna connectors / pads are accessible

@Nathan Green


Does not short to the carbon fibre plate

@Nathan Green


8mm top clearance and 6mm bottom clearance

@Nathan Green


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Task Progression/Updates

Progress update of 25JA2024 - The Sandwich Concept

Purpose: a new chip needs a mount

Manufacturing: 3D printed, need heat resistant material, medium infill.

Availability: Chip is not in-house


Design Process documentation:

The 4 holes on the chip is likely 30 by 30 mm part in a square config. according to images on Flywoo’s website.

Assuming this is the case (because I haven’t measured the chip yet), the first concept is to sandwich the chip between a top cover and a bottom cover. The top cover needs openings for cooling and bottom cover need to be wide and fully covered to prevent short circuiting.

With four M3 screws with length of 20ish mm, the assembly can be mounted to the drone’s plate nicely.

The top cover can be modified to decrease the screw length needed if 20ish mm M3 screw DNE.

Figure 1: Rough sketch of the sandwich concept. drawing not to scale.
Figure 2: isometric view of the sandwich concept assembly

This assembly assumes the the chip’s passive cooler’s height and does not take into account the connectors on the chip (antenna, power, digital pins). Parameters will be adjusted when measurements of the chip is taken.

This assembly can be found in PDM using path C:\WARG_CAD\COMP2024\Electronics Mounts\VTX Mount\VTX Mount reDesign 16Jan2024

Update 01FE24

The holes on the chip is confirmed to be 30 x 30 by @Nathan Green

The modified design needs M3 screws of at least 30 mm ish of thread. Image below shows the updated design.

Update: Turns out there’s no need for a full enclosure (no cap needed)


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