Iterations of the Cabin

Iterations of the Cabin


Big Project


Project Manager

Big Project


Project Manager


Iterations of the Cabin

@Evan Janakievski @Sohee Yoon

Task Description

Physical assembly of the cabin and future updates or considerations are documented here.



Asana Task



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Task Progression/Updates

Author: @Sohee Yoon Date: 2024/02/01

First Iteration Notes:

  • Successfully made the cabin (only skeleton and aeropanels)!

  • NEED A BETTER WAY TO ASSEMBLE (without having to assemble with the drone)

    • Ability to assemble the cabin together THEN mount to the drone

  • Front and Back aeropanels do not completely line up with the side panels

    • Must fill the gap

    • Make aeropanels curved

  • Aeropanel mounting holes did not line up properly so @Evan Janakievski and I had to drill holes in the aeropanels to align with the mounts

    • Possible solutions:

      • Consider the bending and extra layer of carbon fiber for the holes on the mounts

      • Mounts can be redesigned with slot holes and use hex nuts instead of heat inserts

  • Barbie does fit into the cabin but we will have to test with seats soon!


Author: @Sohee Yoon@Evan Janakievski Date: 2024/02/05

Notes from meeting between PMs:

  • How's the sim going?

    • Made some progress, but I do not think I will have a full complete understanding of them until way after, so design decisions won’t be too influenced by it

    • As of right now I believe Georgia’s panels are sufficient. The only change I would adjust is maybe if the curve starts at the bottom of the x-frame then slopes, rather than being sloped in the middle.

  • Look over the door of the cabin and how it'll be integrated (my Solidworks is kind of being weird lately so I haven't been able to open it, but I'll try again today)

    • Still having issues using PDM today, wifi is not good at dorm

  • Stair design (in the doors)

    • With more room we could integrate stairs or try to advertise the door as an accessible ramp. With a wider and taller cabin we would have a better chance of fitting stairs, but with how the door opens, the ramp may be the best solution

  • Windows (maybe integrated in the doors too) ~ I'll work on this and get a CAD finished today

Meeting checks:

  • Check Seats (is a prototype printed?)

    • contacted during AEAC so just awaiting response if we are good to print or if he is free to get that done

  • Cargo update (check how it's going and if we can get a prototype printed soon)

    • Wallace changed PCs i think so he may be just getting to changes.


Assembly of cabin to be accessible then attached:

Can try to use the squares on the bottom of the cabin as attachment points.

Not sure how we could have things snap into those slots, but it would be a cool way to have it be able to be taken of quickly and easily.

This is an image from my skeleton page just to show. The red dots are not what I was talking about, just old markups.

The other method to attach it is to use other mounting holes then bolting into a sheet along the top with similar mounting method for the aeropanels that have enough thickness to allow the bolt heads for the tubes to be hidden.






Author: @Evan Janakievski Date: 2024/02/09

One error I have thought of was the thickness of the carbon fiber was not adjusted in the SolidWorks document to reflect the real thickness of the plates. This could cause issues with size of the aeropanels and the locations of the mounting holes. Something to keep in mind for next iteration.


Author: @Evan Janakievski Date: 2024/03/18

New mounting method has been designed, that will allow the cabin to be assembled prior to being attached to the X-Frame.

New aeropanels are under design. Will meet X-Frame at 90 degree angle. Front and back first iteration done, need to work on side panels which could then let Divit finish his design.

Mounting location was not changed for the cabin, it will be the same dimensions apart from shape of the panels.