Tracking Antenna Revival

Tracking Antenna Revival


Big Project


Project Manager

Big Project


Project Manager

Tracking Antenna



Task Description

Our tracking antenna is currently in an unusable state as it is disassembled, missing servos, and has loose physical connections. This task entails investigating which components on the tracking antenna need to be remade, remaking the parts (may involve machining), and finally, assembling the tracking antenna. This must be done by end of term.

All servo motors and gears should be in WARG bay, if they aren’t in there please notify us.

This is a good opportunity to learn about design for manufacturability and assembly by studying an existing design and providing inputs to improve it.

Ask any machining and logistical questions to @Smile Khatri








Written By

Append Date


Written By

Append Date

All bolt holes must be aligned during mounting. M4 screws must not be used in M5 bolt holes.

@Smile Khatri

July 17, 2024




Relevant Contacts



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Asana Task



Asana Task


@Sohee Yoon @Justin Liu

link to asana task assigned

Date assigned

Task Progression/Updates

Author: @Sohee Yoon Date: 2024-08-07

  • @Justin Liu updated the spacer rod to be about 9 mm - shaved off 4.5mm

  • Antenna Holders: Inner hexagon cut-out is 0.2 mm smaller (to fit the bar better) and added 2 mm fillet because the actually bar has curved edges too (image below)

Updated change
Real-life Bar/Rod
  • Upper Base Plate: Designed it 30 mm longer on one side because of the large mount (extra row) and M6 holes are 3 mm closer

    • Concerned if it will be unbalanced

Updated Base Plate


Author: @Smile Khatri Date: 2024-08-11

@Nathan Green 's ideas:

  • Proper solution to prevent the pitch of the antenna’s going below level (horizontal)

    • currently, a white 3D printed chip is taped to a gear. Is there something else that could be done?

  • Heat set inserts can be pushed in from the inner face of the antenna holders rather than the outside.

    • trying to push the heatset this way might be sketchy since the tip of the soldering rod won’t be aligned with the direction that the heatset is pushed in.

    • Or maybe, push the heatset in really deep

Hold off on this for now… - Smile

Author: @Justin Liu Aug 14, 2024

Ideas on new pitch angle limiter:

(TBH, I don’t see much of a problem with the chip taped on the gear right now. )

Didn’t put too much thought into this but may be feasible, see idea image below.

A lever that hits the spacer rod when antenna reach angle limit (probably 3D print it).

Alternatively, I can also look into adding two limit switches to the assembly that’ll be pressed by a lever after the some degree of rotation. Though that might make the software team go nuts because they'll have to program stop motor drive when the switch is pressed.

Micro limit switches, cost less than $10 for four piece

Please let me know your thoughts on these.

Author: @Sohee Yoon Sep 19, 2024

New update needed - Right now, the way the tracking antenna’s base plate is attached to the motor is kind of unstable and wobbly. We want someway to prevent the wobbling and have the base plate level (e.g., not at an angle). The base plate rotates with the motor, so the stabilizers/stands shouldn’t cause any friction. You can attach the stands to the plate below the base plate. Lmk if you have any questions!

Starting ideas

  • Maybe use a ball bearing to prevent any friction

  • Length of the stands should be long enough to prevent any wobbling

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