2021-05-08 - Leads Meeting
Lance will be the new electrical lead!
Discussion Topics
Logo competition
Professor mentors
Prof Wright → He has storage space on the 4th floor that we can store stuff (dehydrator)
WARG organized a side competition with RC Robots (found old docs from 2014)
Like a hackathon where students can make autonomous RC cars using WARG hardware to train them on firmware and electrical stuff (promotes WARG and the ECE department)
Prof Wang → He sees WARG as a learning opportunity. Competition should come second after learning
We can get funding from ECE as we are the only ECE-based design team
Prof. Wright and Prof. Wang want us to do a presentation to introduce the team and update them
Expanding portfolio of aircraft and making a ground vehicle (ex. helicopter, quadcopter, etc.)
Keeping focus on good design and improve the architecture to increase expandability and portability
Custom warg hardware and firmware for RC Robots design competitions
Computer Vision
Move towards Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
Include a mapping system
More sophisticated computer vision system that can draw larger, more useful conclusions (context of multiple objects instead of a single object)
Custom airframe
Budget → Do this with Saachi
Why WARG died in 2017
We stretched too thin and had too many projects, resulting in the team fragmenting
Agreed to assign $20 for the logo competition
Will set up a list of criteria for the logo competition so we don’t get random submissions
During the fall term we will start discussing about possibly reviving the RC Robots competition
When evaluating our visions, see how we can integrate all sub teams so as to prevent fragmentation
Future discussion points:
Process for making large decisions