2021-05-08 - Leads Meeting

2021-05-08 - Leads Meeting


  • Lance will be the new electrical lead!

Discussion Topics

  • Logo competition

  • Professor mentors

    • Prof Wright → He has storage space on the 4th floor that we can store stuff (dehydrator)

      • WARG organized a side competition with RC Robots (found old docs from 2014)

        • Like a hackathon where students can make autonomous RC cars using WARG hardware to train them on firmware and electrical stuff (promotes WARG and the ECE department)

    • Prof Wang → He sees WARG as a learning opportunity. Competition should come second after learning

  • We can get funding from ECE as we are the only ECE-based design team

  • Prof. Wright and Prof. Wang want us to do a presentation to introduce the team and update them

    • State

    • Vision

      • Firmware

        • Expanding portfolio of aircraft and making a ground vehicle (ex. helicopter, quadcopter, etc.)

        • Keeping focus on good design and improve the architecture to increase expandability and portability

        • Custom warg hardware and firmware for RC Robots design competitions

      • Computer Vision

        • Move towards Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)

          • Include a mapping system

        • More sophisticated computer vision system that can draw larger, more useful conclusions (context of multiple objects instead of a single object)

      • Mechanical

        • Custom airframe

    • Budget → Do this with Saachi

  • Why WARG died in 2017

    • We stretched too thin and had too many projects, resulting in the team fragmenting


  • Agreed to assign $20 for the logo competition

    • Will set up a list of criteria for the logo competition so we don’t get random submissions

  • During the fall term we will start discussing about possibly reviving the RC Robots competition

  • When evaluating our visions, see how we can integrate all sub teams so as to prevent fragmentation

Future discussion points:

  • Process for making large decisions



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