

  • Member


Action Items

  • Member


Action Items

@Kevin Li



@Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed)

  • Technical report review

  • Sponsorship request for TEquipment

  • Equipment sourcing document progress

  • ZP2 documentation

@Kiran Surendran



@Jason Skells

  • Finishing up the motor controller layout after revising the placement

  • Finish the PCB layout

  • Get a digikey order in

  • Documenting the board

@Muhammad Tanveer

  • Finished most of the BMS schematic (including sourcing)

  • FET selection

  • Diode selection

  • Finalize BMS circuit

@Darwin Clark

  • About halfway though with Buck converter whitepaper

  • Finish buck converter whitepaper

  • Do self breakdown/analysis of power distribution sch.

@Seungmin Hong

  • Sourced, created and implemented current sense resistor

  • FET selection

  • Diode selection

  • Finalize BMS circuit

@Ethan Abraham

  • General buck converter topology and functionality

  • CCM and DCM

  • Component Sizing and Efficiency Losses

  • Go through derivations again

  • Go through PCB placement

@Jatin Mehta

  • Continued going through the BLDC motor section

  • Work on research project - making notes on MOSFETs, Power MOSFETs

@Kevin Song

Went through BLDC motor section

Power MOSFETS and MOSFETS research

  • Power Distribution

  • Flight Controller

  • Motor Controller

  • Battery Management System

  • Equipment Purchasing

  • Internal Sponsorship Wishlist

  • Bootcamp