1/24/2022 Meeting Minutes



Action Items



Action Items

@Kevin Li

  • Planning PDB Rev 2.0

  • Soldering PCBs


@Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed)

  • Planning for testing firmware

  • Planning for testing firmware / assigning roles

  • Check budget and possibility for ordering more batteries

@Kiran Surendran



@Jason Skells

  • Finished the PCB layout but the power FETs are out of stock.

  • Created a list of alternative FETs

  • Have Kevin and/or Daniel take a look at the MOSFETs on my google sheets and get it on the board

  • Design review for motor controller

@Muhammad Tanveer

  • Finalized diode selection

  • Finalizing FET selection

  • Finalize FET selection, clean up the schematic and review BMS datsheet

@Darwin Clark

  • Finished buck converter whitepaper (only few pages left)

  • FWTrainning board parts were actually ordered

  • Assemble FWTraining board in bay later this week?

  • Power Dist. Stuff?

@Seungmin Hong

  • Finalized diode selection

  • Finalizing FET selection

  • Review BMS circuit parameters (for component selection)

@Ethan Abraham

  • Finished buck converter documentation

  • Go through first version of PDB (calculations and PCB layout)

  • Begin my design for potential next version of PDB

  • Familiarize with process of updating shared Altium projects

@Jatin Mehta


@Kevin Song

  • Finished research on MOSFETS



  • We need to look into the budget to see if we can purchase batteries for mech

  • PDB board is in progress, issues with the forgotten resistor

  • ZeroPilot2.0 need to get micros, nothing on ZP2

  • FWT board components have been ordered and will be here soon

    • Darwin assembling on Wednesday / Thursday maybe?

    • Kevin drop FWT boards off on Tuesday / Wednesday

    • We need syringable flux, need to order to bay

    • Darwin coordinating with Anthony then soldering it by end of week

  • Will need bullet connectors of varying sizes for the actual drone

  • ZeroPilot 2 validation done by the end of the week

  • Kevin focusing on ZP2 instead of PDB for this week

  • BMS cleanup schematic for review and then FET selection

    • There needs to be some more review of the circuit parameters for FET selection

  • Kevin / Darwin Buck Converter calculations this evening!

  • Kevin hosting a motor controller grind session to give a solid foundation for starting/continuing on motor controller designs.