2022-05-24 Leads Meeting

2022-05-24 Leads Meeting



  • Org Structure: What should teams look like? When should we expand teams (sysint)

  • Onboarding Template: Teams need to have a standardized onboarding flow and implement it for their own subteam. Lets hammer out what that looks like - Tabled for later

  • Budgeting Project Wise: Since we’re shifting to a more project based methodology, how do we want to control budgets at the project level? - Tabled for later

Org Structure

  • Current: Team Lead/Exec sees over the whole team → Leads look over one area of the team → Rest of the team is one big blob

  • Large gap, leads to two problems: system looks flat but it’s not actually flat, members don’t have opportunity to progress or grow.

  • Proposed: Create project manager and senior member roles

    • Project Manager: Owns a certain project, appointed by subteam lead,

    • Senior Member: Knowledeable member of subteam, defined by and appointed by subteam lead.

    • Subteam Lead: Owns a set of projects around a certain functional area of the team.

  • Proposed: Expanding sysint, create new members who essentially act as representatives of Andy and Aidan

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