6/7/2022 EE Meeting Notes
@Chris Jiang
Research going well
@Jennifer Yun (Deactivated)
Op-amp & power MOS research going well
After MEs, @Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed) setup meeting to talk about ZP3 MCU Page Task
FETs research page, @Kevin Li will add questions for that page
@Kevin Li
Bootcamp is almost complete, aiming for completion after MEs
For next meeting power architecture decision matrix will be created
Next EE meeting we will discuss the decision as a team and come to a conclusion
Add owners to each buck converter project in Electrical Active Projects
@Michael Botros
Almost done FET research, few questions left
Awaiting Altium boot camp then starting Arm/Disarm Board for ZP3, meeting with @Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed) after midterms
@Sarim Muqeet
Will be adding to Confluence soon
Awaiting Altium boot camp
@Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed)
Finish task writeup for ZP3
Setup timeline for ZP3, review it with @Former user (Deleted)
Setup meetings with EE members to review ZP3 requirements and provide enough information and explanation to get started on tasks!
Decide on connector pinouts and QTY so Chris can be unblocked on IO page of ZP3
Go through with FW and get comms emulator board requirements documented from an EE side
@Ethan Abraham
Bootstrap & H-bridge mostly done
Not started on 50-24V buck