


Jun 9, 2022


  • @Mika Shaw

  • @Jinghao Lei


 Discussion topics



To Do:

Date to be completed



To Do:

Date to be completed

Data Telemetry System

@Ekanshh Danda Praveen went through documentation.

need to clearify what exactly need to do.

document what to do Xbees Python, taking in serial data from FW. UML diagram/float chart.

Might need another meeting.

June 23

Video Transmission System

Video Transmission system

  1. OpenHD is not going to be used in the future





Data Telemetry System (to find info regarding what we require to be displayed)


  • Do some research on current GUI displays for UAV’s ground station in order to come up with a solid idea of what we want

  • Create a wireframe for a proposed GUI layout

  • Make a confluence page under Projects >> Data Telemetry >> create page >> GUI and document the required components (e.g displaying ) we need displayed on the GUI (confirm with Ray or Mika on this once decided)

  • Discuss between yourselves who wants to do what

June 23

ML Infra

@Kevin Guo Got the notebook


@Kevin Guo going through the notebook and debug


3D Vision Research

@Jomills Jose Anand has went through the Confluence documentation to get an overview of the current computer vision architecture.

Create 3D Vision reports under projects and update it with takeaways from the study.


Autonomous Control based CV
















 Action items



  • Team stand down next week

  • Ask about test flight

  • What exactly need to do for Comms



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