2022-11-02 SDC Meeting
Nov 2, 2022
@Jinghao Lei
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
| Intro |
| Staff turn off, lost Paula, Victoria, New finiance staff coming in. New position for Buyer (ie, buy stuff for all groups) |
Updates on meeting rooms, work space, booking system | putting team email into the booking system so that multiple people can access New meeting room 7th floor? 3D print center is available, talk to Graeme. Free for use. | ||
| Update on vehicle, driver, new pickup truck |
| Having problem of returning, problem being nobody checking vehicle. tracking damage on vehicle Check the vehicle before you leave and see if there is damage. Check and see if the tank is full. You can take photos. Driver Registeration. Team lead contact Peter or Graeme, Interviewing. New Truck. Parking lot next week. 2 seats in the front, 3 seats in the back. 10 feet trailer with Van |
| Update on design review meetings |
| a. Current status, feeback on progress, possible changes Pre design meeting, design review, manufacturing plan meeting, keep in touch with Graeme. Starting after comp will be good. b. Next steps - follow up meetings, expanding to more teams |
| EDI discussion |
| Mary Robinson, Dean outreach, quity & diversity Diverisity Equity problem. Include Indigineous, females, black and etc. SAE oversees student competitions, no scores will be allocated EDI. Some competition is gathering information, not for scores but for stats. Indigineous% on the team. UWAFT competition has EDI component. How people feel on the team? Communication, Ourreach, Colaberation. First year in the competiton. Getting Demographics about the team. Gender on Roster? Collect Demographics from design teams and see why some design team are doing better and learn from them. If the survery comes from SDC, people might be more willing to answer. |
| Composite material store proposal |
| HV work room discussion |
| Miscellaneous |
| uploading license |
| Encorporating |
| free software, whether it’s a good idea or not Ask about getting free software? |