2022-11-24 Leads Meet

2022-11-24 Leads Meet


Nov 24, 2022


  • @Jinghao Lei ← not here actually

  • @Dhruv Upadhyay ← also not here actually



 Discussion topics







Sysint lead

Aaron taking on more responsibilities. Leadership role?

@Aidan Bowers (Deactivated)


No, he is not interested. Find a new candidate :)

Conall for Mech lead?

Voting time → approved. @Jinghao Lei @Dhruv Upadhyay

Start leads onboarding.

Comp team

G license, people from each subteam.

7-8 G license driver (or equivalent) - needs to be had for at least a year.


tabled for next week.

Gather G driver license info, right after recruiting event. start working on comp related stuff, such as booking hotels, getting prepaid gas credit, etc.

firmware COOP

progress check-in

How has Hiren been?

SDC form submitted tomorrow.


Job description done & approved, scheduled to release to at Nov 30.



Need one final poll

Poll due this week!
(what if we just made some of the same cool sweaters xd)


Safety Things

  • safety data sheets

  • user/operator manuals

  • power tools/ mech tools

  • Chemicals

  • Team lead data

bug @Kayla Chenier before next term, next few weeks

@Jinghao Lei follow up on this

Bay code tracking/equipment for personal use

equipment lending has been happening and things are not returned


Amy for CV lead

Voting time

Start training new CV lead right away




Budget updates?

How much have we spent the last week, and from which accounts and for what? (Ops should know this hopefully).


Team Socials

→ we should really be posting more


End of term social

We need to plan ahead and have different fun events. (League tournament? @Anthony Luo FIFA competition? lol)

And I think we need more ppl to help Hamza organizing the social, we can get some volunteers from the team members

Decided to strike this one down.

Team photo!

Maybe during the social, or find another time that can accommodate most of the people

@Jinghao Lei would suggest it during the social

Team photo after general meeting next week.

Comp Timelines

Work in progress by Aidan, but please review https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/l/cp/TkjLqc5h and make sure your sub-team is aligned with the dates here. Add comments if don't see things there that should be.

Decision for contingency by first flight test.

Risk Management & risk analysis

→ talk to aaron & hamza for getting these done for each subteam.



Bay Cleaning

  • tools/stuff should be put away after work sessions.

  • epoxy/resin stuff should be done in composites room



 Action items



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