Thursday Dec 1, 2022

General Team Status/Schedule (inc. other subteams):



  • Aadi

  • Ethan

  • Gordon

  • Hardy

  • Ishman

  • Guy


  • ayoung

  • hardy

  • tony

  • stanley

  • utkarsh

  • neha

  • yuchen

  • aidan

  • anni

  • mostafa

Meeting recording

PR’s and Reviews

  • This is getting kinda big and I (Gordon) want to merge it soon.

  • Not too many blockers from getting this to build

Add clang-format by Aidan-B · Pull Request #9 · UWARG/ZeroPilot-SW-3 (

  • should be merged soon

Add Fixed Manual Controller by Aidan-B · Pull Request #18 · UWARG/ZeroPilot-SW-3 (

  • should be merged soon

Add GlobalFlag Object by Gfcello · Pull Request #17 · UWARG/ZeroPilot-SW-3 (

  • Gordon got bored, will be used for MVP system (Not super urgent yet)

  • Read and review if interested in mutexes

Add common datatypes by AadityaChaudhary · Pull Request #15 · UWARG/ZeroPilot-SW-3 (

  • everyone take a look and make comments.

Add zp_assert by Aidan-B · Pull Request #12 · UWARG/ZeroPilot-SW-3 (

  • needs someone to pick this up

Updates this week!

(Updates here → see table of contents for structure)

Empty tasks:

  • SBUS

Integration schedule until EOT:

  • Los link/actuators tested before then (although school sucks so idk).

  • Dec 4, first flight (looking like we’ll miss this)

  • Dec 11, first flight (seems reasonable).

  • LOS Pos functional somewhere in between.

  • Antenna towers functional somewhere in between.

  • Dec 18, first flight w/antenna tracking.


ZeroPilot 3

System Manager (Gordon)

Path Manager (neha)

  • for MVP:

    • auto-takeoff & landing

    • general waypoint following (cruise)

    • sunday: want auto-takeoff landing done.

Attitude Manager (anni, aidan, jack)

  • merged what exists of am into main.

  • fixed wing controller was written by aidan. Needs to be looked at.

Telemetry Manager (Aadi)

  • All code generation is done

  • Need to figure out how LOS Telem and Comms will work (there is a meeting for that sat 10 am i think)

  • Inter thread comms


  • AFTER PR: work on xbee driver for los telem

  • AFTER PR: potentially write a parser that parses over LCM messages and generates either messages themselves OR just generate helper functions that make LCM stuff work better for us (I prefer this for now)


  • For MVP for end of term, LOS must be complete (including testing)

  • Low risk: LOS Link and Actuators

    • Currently being tested

  • Low/Medium risk: LOS Link and Comms

    • Should be trivial to implement once the implementation is defined

    • Testing needs to occur after implementation to ensure data can come in and be exposed properly to ZP3 software

  • High risk: LOS Pos

    • NEOM8, BMX160, Sensor Fusion must be tested individually THEN integrated

    • Must be compatible to switch between with VN300


  • @Guy Blumenthal LOS Actuators:

    • Didn’t get a chance to fix the build issues, got busy with other stuff

    • I don’t think LOS has started being tested either

  • @Anthony Bertnyk No updates this week. The existing PR will need to change. Will have a discussion on Saturday.

  • @Mostafa Hussein LOS Pos:

  • @Christopher Chung LOS Comms:

    • Brainstorming has started with Tony and Aadi on how LOS Comms will expose the incoming data to ZP3 software

    • Meeting planned for 10AM EST to discuss implementation

  • @Christopher Chung LOS_Link :

    • Currently being tested by Anni and Kenson

  • @Ayoung Eun @Hardy Yu Airspeed & Neo M.8

    • airspeed has data?

  • @Stanley Tang VN-300

    • Currently debugging the VN-300 Driver

      • Not a hardware issue

      • @Christopher Chung to look at the driver test code on

    • From Chris: made minor change to VN 300 driver to fix bitwise shifts


OFS (guy)


Airspeed (hardy/ayoung)

BMX160 (Mostafa)

Systems Tooling & Infra

Infra + Devops

  • meet Hiren k!

Simulator (SIL) @Taim Al-Dabbagh @Mostafa Hussein

  • Confluence page now updated with explaination of simulator flowchart and more resources

  • Try importing mesh of (current or previous) WARG aircraft into scenario visualization (scenario visualization is what visualizes the flight)

  • Create 3D map of competition area using Google Maps and other tools to change enviroment of simulator / scenario visualization

  • Playing with Simulink to simulate flight of generic fixed-wing model (trying to figure out force calculations, it spins like crazy in scenario visualization)

HIL (Hardware In the Loop) Controller

  • @Jack Greenwood

  • Need to set up testing suites.

  • Interested in VN300 driver work/testing. Please ping me on PRs/reviews.

  • Interested in PDB plans - I know there was a big architecture meeting on Tuesday?? Please ping me.

  • Currently working on PPM output

    • Testing reliable solutions.

    • Two timer method working much better.

    • Will send update later tonight or tomorrow morning.

Tracking Antenna (kevin, yuchen)

  • Doing research on antennas

  • Trying to get a rough draft done for mechanical to look at by this week




  • need logging driver? (LOS Interface)

Priorities next week:



Action Items

@Christopher Chung LOS Interfaces Nov 3, 2022

Things to look out for!

  • New antennas & more rc links.