Tuesday January 10, 2023

General Team Status/Schedule (inc. other subteams):

  • Welcome back from the holidays!

  • Todays meeting: Task re-assignment & Load Balancing

  • Meeting times/

    • EFS Meeting: Tuesday 7-8 PM

    • General: Thursdays 7-8 PM

    • EFS Work Sessions TBD this meeting

  • EFS Onboarding event???


In Person


  • Alex Le

  • Ayoung Eun

  • Aidan Bowers

  • Chris Chung

  • Daniel Puratich

  • Gordon F

  • Hardy Yu

  • Kabir verma

  • Kevin Dau

  • Kevin Huang

  • Mostafa

  • Neha S

  • Rahul

  • Tony Bertynk

  • Aadi C

  • Sava

  • Kevin


  • Alex Yang

  • Leon Gratch

  • Liang Li

  • Mahir Mahota

  • Stanley Tang

  • yuchen Lin

  • Anthony Luo

Meeting recording

PR’s and Reviews



Priorities & Action Items:

- Need ZP flying SOMETHING at comp

- can handover Attitude Management to ardupilot (since it works out of the box)

- means ZP needs to communicate telemetry

- can parallelize development?


fill out this warg EFS team roster form ^

Updates this week!

(Updates here → see table of contents for structure)

ZeroPilot 3

System Manager (gordon)

  • Code to support PM/TM templated.

  • Running into hardfaults.

    • somewhere in threading/message q is hard faulting

Path Manager (neha)

  • Issues building PM locally

  • auto takeoff-landing will be done.

  • need to work on following waypoints. may need ppl to help.

Attitude Manager

  • fixed wing controls

  • quadcopter controls

  • tuning

Telemetry Manager (aadi)

  • have generated messages & crc. unit tests written.

  • logic for decoding message not written. not touched since team stand-down.

  • airside: jetson, ardupilot, rfd900

  • groundside: rfd900, tracking antennas?



  • LOS POS?

  • LOS Link

    • verified, PR open

  • LOS Actuators

    • PWM working

    • need DSHOT 300

  • LOS Telem

  • LOS Comms

  • Logging?

    • not ported. Completed on f401, not ported.


  • GPS (vn-300 or NEO M8)

  • airspeed

    • just need to be tested.

  • IMU

  • SD Card

  • Mavlink?

  • RFD900?

  • Jetson?

Systems Tooling & Infra

Infra + Devops

  • docker images

  • ci/cd

Simulator (SIL)

  • simnet? link ?


HIL (Hardware In the Loop) Controller

  • Can mock PPM input & IMU

Tracking Antenna

  • firmware integration.

    • won’t use LOS

  • tracking algorithm validation

    • done in matlab. need to be done in C++.