Tuesday Feb 7, 2023

General Team Status/Schedule (inc. other subteams):


In Person



  • Alex

  • Alyzen

  • Ayo

  • Ayoung

  • Darwin

  • Egor

  • Gordon

  • Hailey

  • Hardy

  • Ishman

  • Liang

  • Mahir

  • Navya

  • Neha

  • Nehemiah

  • Rahul

  • Sahil

  • Stanley

  • Sung-En

  • Taim

  • Tony

  • Vishal

  • Yuchen

Meeting recording

(I promise I’ll try and unscuff my obs settings it’s just taking a little bit).


PR’s and Reviews

Pls look at PM PR - https://github.com/UWARG/ZeroPilot-SW-3/pull/25

@Yuchen Lin to put in PPM output stuff

@Alex Yang to put in PPM output Driver

@Stanley Tang to put in MAVLink stuff

@Hardy Yu @Ayoung Eun to put in NEO M.8 Stuff

@Aaditya Chaudhary to put TM stuff (if ready)

Post-Meeting Micro-Arch/Timeline Reviews Today:

  • Tracking Antenna (Egor, Rahul, Yuchen)

  • ??

  • Task Assignments for bootcampers



Priorities & Action Items:

fill out team roster here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGBfnTPGSR_PkMcl-XrxltoGhgfnDmErNO390fO0g0ecRPwg/viewform
you must complete the training to work onsite. Deadline is Jan 31

← Quick Asana Tour w/Anni →

← Brief Update from Chris on how we should handle handles w/LOS drivers →

← assigning new tasks to bootcampers, end of the EFS meeting if we have time, otherwise right after the CV meeting →

Updates this week!

(Updates here → see table of contents for structure)

ZeroPilot 3

Jetson-ZP-Ardupilot Integration (Stanley, Alex, Navya, Ayoung)

  • needs mavlink messages to be defined

    • have been defined, will be implemented

  • Stanley & Alex working on driver in LOS

    • Stanley Mavlink

      • new los_mav interface

    • Alex PPM Output, Controller decoding

  • Ayoung to handle in-person testing

    • MAVLink & PPM

  • Navya handling decoding & re-encoding of Airside CV commands from Jetson

  • Gordon working on RC to PX commands using LOS_Mav

  • Alex working on creating PPM interface & output driver w/ control handover logic.

  • Stanley working on mavlink driver.

    • Created prototype driver that can send/receive heartbeats between ZP and AP. Needs to be tested.

    • Created test branch on ZP (probably need to move this to the comp repo actually)

    • Need to add more functions such as setting different flight modes, take off, arm/disarm, etc

  • Integration timeline for:

    • testing ppm: as soon as we get the px6 setup

    • testing ppm / ap handoff

    • testing auto takeoff/landing w/mavlink commands: as soon as ppm verified

    • testing groundstation command sequencing & autonomous flight: Feb 11/12, as soon as IMACS verified.

  • Mission Commands — Plane documentation (ardupilot.org)

System Manager (Gordon, Stanley)

  • Gordon: Pared down code for comp, set up code framework for RC to PX controls

    • Looking for LOS_D_MAV interface documentation (what functions can I use and how)

    • Groundside and Jetson sound not yet ready, so TM ↔︎ SM comms not in yet

Path Manager (Neha, Liang)

  • Synced with Liang → will start waypoint following implementation

  • Opened PR for PM Landing/Takeoff + comms with SM implementation (Pls review so i can finally have some happiness)

Attitude Manager (Ishman, Armaan)

  • Built using docker, but need help building via IDE to be able to use debugger

Telemetry Manager (aadi)

  • CV side of RFD driver merged in WARG common, new repo that contains common code… same driver for air and ground side.

  • Having sync tomorrow

  • LOS_Comms: got interrupts working, need to follow los interface pattern.

    • Plan to finish writing and testing tomorrow



  • LOS POS (Mostafa)

    • BMX160 working with SF on a thread (needs the other sensors to fully work)

      • Freq set to 800 hz (need to double check on a scope)

    • Began integrating GPS into LOS Pos (Hardy & Ayoung)

  • LOS Link

    • Need’s to support PPM Output Driver from alex?

    • Action item: talk to alex about if we should keep in same interface or separate.

  • LOS Actuators

    • PWM working, just needed to reconfigure timer settings. Code now configures driver member variables during initialization on runtime. Essentially only the cube ide configuration needs to be done manually.

    • Started testing DSHOT, initially doesn’t work. Need to reconfigure timer settings and make sure interrupt are enabled. Will continue testing after the meeting.

  • LOS Telem/comms (aadi, yuchen, hailey, alex)

    • Look at Telemetry Manager Update

  • LOS_Log + LOS_Storage (Darwin )

    • Architecture of Log + Storage was sketched out after last tuesday meeting

    • Nothing since then

    • Formalize diagram then starting on coding. End of Feb timeline still appropriate.

Drivers (lets try and get names added soon)

  • VN-300 (Tony)

    • Barebones L5 project able to receiving expected uart messages from VN

    • VN does not seem to be responding to input from L5?

  • Neo M.8 (Ayoung, Hardy)

    • In the process of integrating into LOS driver… testing/LOS_Pos

  • airspeed (Hardy, Ayoung)

    • No update… still waiting on testing

  • SD Card (Darwin)

  • Mavlink? (Tony/Alex)

    • See Zp ardu integration section

  • RFD900? (Los Telem/Comms team)

    • See Telemetry manager section

  • Jetson? (Los Telem/Comms team)

    • See Telemetry manager section

  • Current/Voltage Sense (Aryan)

    • Needs testing.

  • CRSF (Hailey)

    • Making progress on CRSF documentation. Should be done in the next 2-3 days.

Systems Tooling & Infra

Infra + Devops

  • @Derek Tang

Simulator (SIL) (Mostafa, Alex, Taim, ???)

  • reached out to aidan’s prof (hopefully we can get some mentorship)

HIL (Hardware In the Loop) Controller (Yuchen, Mahir)

  • Will try to finish the PPM driver by tn and figure out how to log the data

Tracking Antenna (Rahul, Egor, Yuchen)

  • Microarchitecture Doc mostly complete

🎡List of Open Tasks

In no particular order, most of these on asana:

  • HereFlow CAN Based optical flow sensor

  • Bidir DShot

  • USB Logging

  • LOS Link with CRSF SBUS

  • Add IOC configuration on Main ZP

  • Peripheral distrib. For L5 & ZP3 COMP spec.

  • MPU 6050 Support

  • Old Analog Airspeed Sensor Support

  • US100 Rangefinder Support.

  • Lidar rangefinder support (unspecced as of now)

  • Instrument Based Vision Denied Landing

  • Vision Based Auto-Land

  • Gimbal Stabilization Software

  • Phased array beamforming antennas (please don’t do this unless you’re really really sure of what you’re doing and can prove it in matlab & simulation & are capable of fronting some $)

  • LOS_Xbee driver

  • Custom ELRS receiver

  • Custom HD0 receivers

  • Firmware for BLDC motor controller

  • Battery/flight time estimator (again, don’t take this unless you really know what you’re doing).

  • Obstacle avoidance?

Bootcamper Assigns

Nehemiah → firmware for BLDC motor (eval kit?)

Sava → airspeed

Vishal → mpu6050

Alyzen → Xbees