2023-02-13 Meeting Minutes


  • This meeting scheduling

    • Since we’re skipping member updates to focus on the team at large this will be a 30 minute meeting instead of a full hour.

    • Due to WARG + Orbital social (which we should all be attending in E7-5343 from 7:30-9pm) we’ve moved this EE meeting from 8PM to 7PM. In the future we will return to 8pm Monday meetings in E5 2103.

    • To help us recognize EE is a part of WARG we’re going to be doing this meeting in the WARG bay instead of E5-2103. Our bay room number is E5-2003.

  • EE Team Direction Update

  • Project Manager Announcements

    • @Michael Botros: Bootcamp Revamp

    • @Nolan Haines: Aircraft Harnessing

    • @Ethan Abraham: Icarus Wiring Diagram

    • @Daniel Puratich: ZeroPilot 3.0 Hardware (ZP3HW)

  • Information

    • We have our next flight test scheduled for February 18th and a lot of onsite support will be required from anyone that can to prepare properly for this event. @Nolan Haines will drive this effort.

    • Our bootcamp revamp is beginning to kickoff to resolve some of the longstanding difficulties. @Michael Botros will drive this effort.

    • ZP3 Interface boards have arrived and we will now begin assembling and testing the STM32 on our ZP3 Primary boards which we verified has functional power at this point.

  • Tracking Antenna Project Initiation: https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/x/UAAdgg

  • Task assignments in order of priority:

    • @Ethan Abraham

      • Project Manager of Icarus Wiring Diagram

      • Setting up EE team social

      • Supporting all tasks based primarily on priority

    • @Daniel Puratich

      • Project Manager of ZP3 Assembly, Validation, & EFS handoff

      • Procurement order for necessary onsite materials

      • Updating Asana Tasks + Discord Channels to reflect these changes

      • Finishing RFCs

      • Supporting all tasks based primarily on priority

    • @Michael Botros

      • Bootcamp Project Manager

        • Managing Current Bootcamp Assistance & Owning redesign.

      • 24->12,5 Buck Board

        • This project remains apriority due to it’s usefulness on ground station, competition aircraft, and debugging procedures. It will be deprioritized to other tasks though as COTS solutions exist.

      • Ground Station

    • @Nolan Haines

      • Harnessing Frosted Flakes Project Manager

        • Owning design and assembly direction for our flight testable aircraft

      • 12->5 Buck Board

        • This project remains apriority due to it’s usefulness on ground station, competition aircraft, and debugging procedures. It will be deprioritized to other tasks though as COTS solutions exist.

    • @Stanley Hao

      • 12S Servo Module

        • This project remains a priority due to it’s usefulness on the competition aircraft. The timeline may be pushed consequently more support may be offered.

      • ZP3 Assembly/Testing/Validation

    • @Muhammad Tanveer

      • ZP3 Assembly/Testing/Validation

      • 4S Motor Controller

        • Lower priority due to current lack of team immediate necessity though is almost completed so we want to push it across the finish line!

    • @Steven Wang

      • Aircraft Harnessing

      • Ground Station

      • 5->12,24 Boost Board

        • This project remains apriority due to it’s usefulness on ground station and debugging procedures. It will be deprioritized to other tasks though as COTS alternatives exist.

    • @Rukshi Thiyagayogan

      • Icarus Wiring Diagram

      • Un-assigning the High Power Module as the team already has a scuffed solution that does this job for the time being and it requires too much EE theory to be easily achievable.

        • Assigning this project was a mistake by EE leads, but the research and documentation will be useful in the future when this project is reinitiated.

    • @Farris Matar

      • Bootcamp Revamp Support

      • Design Standards Setup Support

      • PCB Design Review + Guidance for:

        • 12->5 Buck Board

        • 24->12,5 Buck Board

        • 5->12,24 Boost Board

    • @Kevin Li

      • Bootcamp Revamp Support

      • PCB Design Review + Guidance for:

        • 12->5 Buck Board

        • 24->12,5 Buck Board

        • 5->12,24 Boost Board

        • 4S Motor Controller

      • BMS Project

        • Low priority due to current lack of team necessity.

        • May be unassigned in the future depending on necessity.

    • @Robson James Lamond

      • Bootcamp Completion

        • Must be completed before starting on next tasks

      • Icarus Wiring Diagram

    • Tom

    • William

      • Bootcamp Completion

    • Kemi

      • Bootcamp Completion

    • Jack

      • Bootcamp Completion

    • Sohail

      • Bootcamp Completion

    • Arman

      • Bootcamp Completion

    • Rayyan

      • Bootcamp Completion

    • Darwin

      • Unassigned.