2023-02-13 Meeting Minutes
This meeting scheduling
Since we’re skipping member updates to focus on the team at large this will be a 30 minute meeting instead of a full hour.
Due to WARG + Orbital social (which we should all be attending in E7-5343 from 7:30-9pm) we’ve moved this EE meeting from 8PM to 7PM. In the future we will return to 8pm Monday meetings in E5 2103.
To help us recognize EE is a part of WARG we’re going to be doing this meeting in the WARG bay instead of E5-2103. Our bay room number is E5-2003.
EE Team Direction Update
We don’t just wanna be a PCB design club, we have a whole team that requires our support with numerous opportunities to learn about our aircraft control system rather than pigeonholing ourselves.
We will be prioritizing tasks in alignment with team requirement rather than solely EE directive.
We won’t be prioritizing pulling up Altium and looking at Asana in future EE meetings.
Frosted Flakes Wakeup
Project Manager Announcements
@Michael Botros: Bootcamp Revamp
@Nolan Haines: Aircraft Harnessing
@Ethan Abraham: Icarus Wiring Diagram
@Daniel Puratich: ZeroPilot 3.0 Hardware (ZP3HW)
We have our next flight test scheduled for February 18th and a lot of onsite support will be required from anyone that can to prepare properly for this event. @Nolan Haines will drive this effort.
Our bootcamp revamp is beginning to kickoff to resolve some of the longstanding difficulties. @Michael Botros will drive this effort.
ZP3 Interface boards have arrived and we will now begin assembling and testing the STM32 on our ZP3 Primary boards which we verified has functional power at this point.
Tracking Antenna Project Initiation: https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/x/UAAdgg
Task assignments in order of priority:
@Ethan Abraham
Project Manager of Icarus Wiring Diagram
Setting up EE team social
Supporting all tasks based primarily on priority
@Daniel Puratich
Project Manager of ZP3 Assembly, Validation, & EFS handoff
Procurement order for necessary onsite materials
Updating Asana Tasks + Discord Channels to reflect these changes
Finishing RFCs
Supporting all tasks based primarily on priority
@Michael Botros
Bootcamp Project Manager
Managing Current Bootcamp Assistance & Owning redesign.
24->12,5 Buck Board
This project remains apriority due to it’s usefulness on ground station, competition aircraft, and debugging procedures. It will be deprioritized to other tasks though as COTS solutions exist.
Ground Station
@Nolan Haines
Harnessing Frosted Flakes Project Manager
Owning design and assembly direction for our flight testable aircraft
12->5 Buck Board
This project remains apriority due to it’s usefulness on ground station, competition aircraft, and debugging procedures. It will be deprioritized to other tasks though as COTS solutions exist.
@Stanley Hao
12S Servo Module
This project remains a priority due to it’s usefulness on the competition aircraft. The timeline may be pushed consequently more support may be offered.
ZP3 Assembly/Testing/Validation
@Muhammad Tanveer
ZP3 Assembly/Testing/Validation
4S Motor Controller
Lower priority due to current lack of team immediate necessity though is almost completed so we want to push it across the finish line!
@Steven Wang
Aircraft Harnessing
Ground Station
5->12,24 Boost Board
This project remains apriority due to it’s usefulness on ground station and debugging procedures. It will be deprioritized to other tasks though as COTS alternatives exist.
@Rukshi Thiyagayogan
Icarus Wiring Diagram
Un-assigning the High Power Module as the team already has a scuffed solution that does this job for the time being and it requires too much EE theory to be easily achievable.
Assigning this project was a mistake by EE leads, but the research and documentation will be useful in the future when this project is reinitiated.
@Farris Matar
Bootcamp Revamp Support
Design Standards Setup Support
PCB Design Review + Guidance for:
12->5 Buck Board
24->12,5 Buck Board
5->12,24 Boost Board
@Kevin Li
Bootcamp Revamp Support
PCB Design Review + Guidance for:
12->5 Buck Board
24->12,5 Buck Board
5->12,24 Boost Board
4S Motor Controller
BMS Project
Low priority due to current lack of team necessity.
May be unassigned in the future depending on necessity.
@Robson James Lamond
Bootcamp Completion
Must be completed before starting on next tasks
Icarus Wiring Diagram
Bootcamp Completion
Figuring out Altium Licensing (Please document solution in Confluence once found)
Bootcamp Completion
Bootcamp Completion
Bootcamp Completion
Bootcamp Completion
Bootcamp Completion
Bootcamp Completion