2023-05-21 Director Sync
Ensure director value alignment at the start of the term.
Megan Premeeting Notes
reiterate Asana for tasks, Confluence for documentation team wide as a necessary organizational step
Another official ops lead within 14 days
Director roles - team involvement, mindset towards director….-ing
comparison in responsibilities between subteam lead and directors
Daniel Premeeting Notes
Alignment on Asana for Tasks and Confluence for Documentation team wide as a necessary organizational step
Alignment on another official ops lead within 14 days, dont rlly care who this person is, we need someone who is willing to go hard
Align on what our role as directors is.
Ensure comfort as director.
Ensure we feel in touch with the team.
Ensure we do not feel like you have a lot of catching up to do.
Ensure we do not feel like you have to put in a ridiculous amount of effort.
Ensure we do not feel our work as director is not demotivating.
Ensure WARG does not feel corporate for directors as defined in: Keep WARG non corporate!
Meeting Notes
Asana Stuffs
New Asana project for each major project this term
New tasks go into those projects and then also added to applicable subteam projects
Enforcing a folder structure ? its fine to have subfolders be whatever
Ops Stuff
Announced ops meeting
Megan be sure we announce we are looking for another lead
Ops meetings in person to get people into the bay
Bringing up ops lead nomination at leads meeting
We cannot force an ops lead too fast and need to follow the process Promotion Process
Daniel talked back from the 14 days thing that was insane
Want to push project managers, give titles, give people power
We must avoid undermining our leads
Director Role
We discuss here then one of us documents: https://app.asana.com/0/1201848093086346/1204643200671745
Some other roles are more defined Technical Director & Lead Onboarding Process
Sahil: People, Product, Process
What has Daniel been doing ?
Attempting to attend leads meeting
(Running leads meeting should be a director thing)
Leads meeting confluence meeting minutes notes
(prepping for leads meeting)
Cleaning up admin confluence, google calendar, admin asana spaces
(so leads have a nice example to look at for how I want their stuff to be organized)
(putting out fires)
attempting to help operations
(putting out fires)
directors syncs for value alignment with subteam leads
(keeping subteam leads on same page)
Daniel: Ensuring our leads are working together toward a common goal ( aka aligned values)
Turn our leads into better versions of themselves
putting out fires
Assist subteam leads in defining objectives
Running leads meetings
Maintain admin documentation
Directing people at competition
Everything else is kind of incidental to getting it this done
For example: Pushing confluence and asana
For Example: Stepping in to help with operations
Megan: People management, project management
Communication with everybody
Thinking of different ways to do things and implementing them
Having time to put out fires and think up other ideas
People being invested in the team makes them want the team to succeed
Building team culture to build investment
Anni do you think you have too much work to do ?
Scope of Anni’s work so far is defining scope of projects which has been a lot but hopefully will clear up in a bit
Last comp we had issues with Anni knowing most technical stuff, this time will try to pawn it around to subteam leads
There’s an issue that happens all the time where people don't talk to each other and start doing different things
Other stuff Daniel put
Following defining director role it clears this up
there hasn’t been a lot of stuff to do
this is kind of a goal as director so that you’re available for people
is quite a bit different then subteam lead
not spending as much in the bay so feeling disconnected
gettin info from friends and not from hanging out in the bay
the time directors have can be used to spend time in the bay and talk to new bootcampers
last term things felt corporate as Mech Leads, was still fun
We had a lot of meetings every night
Megan had to maange a co-op student
Mainly point 1 was the issue, point 2 and 3 not so relevant
once projects get started and ensuring project alignment more stuff will happen
flight test stuff will keep you busy
encouraging people to add stuff to meeting minutes in detail in advance as a tool to decrease overall meeting length
The value of a meeting comes from the discussion
We push this for leads meetings than subteam leads hopefully think its cool and do it at their meetings
Feel like don’t have as much technical knowledge
having enough knowledge to put out fires between director team is plenty
If we need to make a call (to settle disputes) directors should have that knowledge
Daniel: I would rather setup discussions for subteam leads to work out their differences rather than a director just calling it
Directors use technical knowledge to catch potential issues early and bring them to discussion
Have enough knowledge to step in on potential fires a little sooner
Recognizing when conversations need to happen is important for directors
Last time each large project was given to a director or two to handle
director insight helped 2023-2024 Program Outline
Allocated directors for these
Possibly having subteam leads run these
Role of director for program outline is subteam leads actually run these syncs and actually run the project, directors are assigned to these to call out potential issues
Subteam leads for each project can work together to split up sync meetings as required etc.
Sync stuff can be chosen by subteam leads (not required, but recommended for larger projects)
Some director stuff feels grindy
solution to this is be sure the stuff we do has actual impact
in person involvement
general meeting
seeing results of progress
Flight tests with the team may help with this
things feel more distant than it used to
less direct impact on things that happen
Will get used to it ?