29/06/2023 Mech Meeting Notes




  • @Nathan Green


  • Update the group on progress of various projects

  • Review Deadlines

  • Allocate tasks

 Discussion topics








@Conall Kingshott

Social at CLV on July 5th

Landing Gear

@Conall Kingshott

Review on Saturday, want to finalize soon

PDM is here!

@Nathan Green

Setup Doc (@Nathan Green )
Check-in & Check-out (@Conall Kingshott )

Solidwork 2023

@Conall Kingshott

Please send me (Conall) a DM if you need a license for Solidworks 2023. I need to send these privately because we can’t post our key publicly

Solidworks Templates and 3d print queue

@Alison Thompson

Make sure to follow these instructions to get the new templates, all WARG CAD needs to be done with them!

If you need to 3D print parts, make sure to follow these instructions. Also note that all designs must be reviewed before printing!

Simulation team goals & projects

@Conall Kingshott

I want some projects and SMART goals:
- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-constrained

Antenna Tracker Updates

@Arjun Mandair


Conceptual Drawing 1 with Gear Belt System
Conceptual Drawing 2 without Gear Belt System




  • Design ensures the center of mass is contained within the same axis as the center of rotation. This makes the rotating mechanism of the antenna tracker well balanced.

  • The electronics will be contained all within a box next to the servo. This allows for proper weatherproofing and electronics mounting that will be well contained (instead of mounting everything onto the plate)

  • Less components will be rotating, making the antenna tracker less likely to tip over, and lessen the overall inertia.



  • No slip ring system. Wires will get tangled.


Next Steps:

  • Connection diagram from EE

  • Coordinate with EFS on Belt system

  • Work in the bay to acquire measurement and begin CAD


Self-Set Deadlines:

  • Finish the CAD by midway next week

  • Begin build shortly after

Comp Drone Updates

@Conall Kingshott

  • We’re kinda behind. Need to get X-frame and landing gear finalized so we can make orders ASAP

  • Goal is to be ready to review with full team by EoD Saturday

  • Order early next week

Project Assignment & Checkin

@Conall Kingshott

I haven’t been on top of Asana so it’s a moderate tire fire

Warg sign?

Similar to this, cnc work and maybe working with some adhesives
