20/07/2023 Mech Meeting Notes




  • @Nathan Green

  • @Conall Kingshott

  • @Alison Thompson


  • Update the group on progress of various projects

  • Review Deadlines

  • Allocate tasks

 Discussion topics







Machine Shop Manufacturing

@Conall Kingshott

  • Manufacturing for comp frame components has begun in the machine shop

  • Centre block and four arm connectors are done

  • Changes will be made to the centre block (increase size of cutout) and more duplicates will be made

Carbon Fibre Manufacturing

@Nathan Green

  • Carbon fibre plate manufacturing will happen 9AM Monday in the composites room

  • Will have to get waterjet afterwards, might take 1-2 weeks

  • If you would like to learn about composites manufacturing you are free to attend!

Antenna Tracker

@Arjun Mandair

  • Antenna tracker progress update

  • CAD is mostly done (double check dimensions on rotating plate holes)

  • Created Triangular supports to angle Yagi antennas

  • 3D Printed Servo Mount

  • Small tweaks and fixes

  • Waterjet mounting plates

  • Lasercut rotating plate and patch backplate tomorrow

  • Angle patch antenna

Electronics Mounts

@Conall Kingshott @Nathan Green

  • Electronics mount progress updates and task delegation
