2023-09-05 Fall 2023 BOT Meeting


  • @Amy Hu

  • @Mihir Gupta

  • @R D

Role on Team

  • @R D will be involved on the team for the Fall term.

    • Will only work on writing documentation and mentoring team members.

    • Will not be writing any code this term.

  • Fall 2023 Bootcamp

    • Hope to get it out on Wednesday September 5th, 2023 evening.

    • Leads will try to have it done by Wednesday September 5th, 2023 evening.

    • Almost done, just need to fix a bug for Task 3.


    • Reviewed CONOPS preview and identified possible tasks the Autonomy team will have to tackle.

  • Difference between Project Manager and Senior Member

    • Project Manager is someone who scopes out the project tasks and focuses on system design.

    • Senior Member is someone who focuses on implementation and has a lot of knowledge on a certain area.

      • i.e. Xierumeng knows a lot about Geolocation.

  • PM Selection

    • Need to send out form to ask for interest

    • Once we get people interested we can make decisions from there

      • Only select a few PM’s for now, we can add more later depending on the CONOPS

  • New Member Influx

    • Try to get PM’s more involved in helping out with new members and bootcamps

  • Tasks

    • Thoughts on having members trying different tasks to get more experience on different projects

    • Decided not do this as we would need mature PM’s to help out.