2023-09-19 Electrical Leads Discussion

2023-09-19 Electrical Leads Discussion


@Daniel Puratich

@Anthony Luo

@Megan Spee

@Mena Azab (Deactivated)

@Nolan Haines

@Michael Botros


  • Possibility of appointing another EE lead as next term none of the current EE leads will be on site.


  • Appointing a fourth EE lead because no onsite lead

    • Having someone onsite would be nice

    • Neel possible candidate

    • Few other candidates?

    • Communicate at next subteam meeting

    • Promotion Process

  • “it would be nice if we focused more on building foundation in the team in sense of hands on”

    • Team Charter (2021-2024)

    • Keep WARG Engaging!

    • seeing lots of bootcampers at the work sessions, we want to build people up

    • soldering an XT90 becomes a lot of repetition in the things leads have to teach

      • Workshops 2023-2024 Planning

      • because you lots of bootcampers, this type of activity that brings people together is very applicable here

      • XT90s is very common for WARG builds.

      • Could invest in videos at the end of the bootcamp or confluence docs explaining tutorials

        • giving people that gold standard one time could help them a lot

      • Knowledge Transfer Pipeline

  • Direction

    • discussion in #ee-comp-drone today!

    • Mena: “team is good at saying what needs to be done, but falls apart at giving direction and assigning specific people to do things when”.

      • everyone knows what needs to be done

      • really hard to find direction

        • if you take direction immediately instead of working with you it feels like they’re breaking you down

    • Example: ESC cases

      • We need ESC cases, then we never really got requirements for them, Conall begging for requirements, then he did it himself, then he got very brutal feedback

      • This workflow is very confusing

      • Give tasks a direction and clear ownership & expectations

    • It’s easy to see what needs to be done or what’s missing when looking at the final product but tasks feel under supported at the start

    • Someone just needs to make the decision and say make the call instead of open ended responses

      • Solutions for a small thing become very nebulous because directors not calling it and pushing for individual engineering analysis which is very time consuming

      • This balance between “calling it” or “letting people analyze it” is described in more detail within Resolving Engineering Disagreements

      • For certain decisions there is more direction required from the beginning

      • Currently electrical requirements come more from directors than ee-leads

      • What’s stopping leads from doing the eng analysis themselves?

        • There’s a lot leads have to be up to speed with

        • The gender conventions thing that happened at the work session

        • It’s hard to know all this stuff when you’re new

        • If unsure about something ask question?

    • EE has always been coming up with their own projects and directors adapting that to be beneficial to the team

      • pressure felt currently is shift from “pcb design club” to more “comp related”

      • Sometimes directors need to shot call Resolving Engineering Disagreements but we want EE-Leads to be directly involved in design reviews

      • bringing up concerns and questions early is required to get the proper feedback without wasted effort

    • “we don’t know what we don’t know”

      • hands change quickly at WARG and dunning kruger goes hard

      • it’s easier to receive direction at the beginning instead of feedback at the end from an ee-lead perspective

      • EE is a unique position of ramping up to competition hard

    • Can be extented to all subteams

      • at the beginning of every project they ask people to make a block diagram as an initial phase

      • feedback is given at that stage, but creating a block diagram takes some effort

      • asking subteam leads to make architecture block diagrams?

      • have official meetings to review designs

    • From Megan “i relate pretty hard to u Mena, on mech and when I was mech lead I called some shots and I made design decisions that were ultimately flawed. but it's kind of about learning, right- I also asked people a lot to check over what I was doing, because I wasn't very experienced, so luckily most of what I had part in kinda turned out. But there were def things that I made that I had to fix last minute and stuff just because I never bothered to reach out for review. It comes with time, i guess, you just get a sense for what might cause a problem in the future. ngl i wish i could actually offer advice, but i still struggle w/ that” in discord here.

    • 2023-2024 Program Outline is the projects from the teams perspective

    • This year we are rushing ahead on stuff which leads to some of these issues

    • 2024 System Architecture this doc will eventually have the RFC system which will be implemented once the arch doc is finalized.

    • Subteams require less director guidance as knowledge builds up? Knowledge only builds up via repeated design reviews and questions

    • A lot of this is caused by lack of knowledge and knowledge transfer

    • People who learn things will be the people who do things

      • there will be mistakes along the way if people are doing things they’re inexperienced at

    • Going step by step is not always efficient when

    • why wasn’t location of ESCs decided when mech frame was designed

      • mech frame was designed to be a modular flexible setup

      • here “goal is to keep system flexible during this initial assembly.”

      • We use 30x30 mm standard on the top of the frame as defined in Mounting Hole & Pattern Specifications

    • Difficult to do step by step when delegating out

      • lots of delegating is possible when things can be sequentialized and parallelized

      • theory and concepts can be done before hand to allow for easier delegation

    • whey wasnt ee told where to place ESCs

    • Why are we waiting on some design decisions

      • we currently have 4 diff usable models of ESCs we could use on Pegasus

      • we have lots of diff requirements for all of them

      • they are all optimal for a diff use case

      • We didn't account for all of those when deciding to mount something

      • design decisions at the time of making the mechanical frame was allowing for maximum choice when it comes to ESCs

      • we need to communicate historical information from sync meetings to subteam leads

    • a lot of this narrows down to component placement → doesnt feel like anyone is responsible for component placement

      • it’s not clear who placement belongs to and how it should be tackled.

      • generally quick tests require lots of collaboration and people engaging and asking questions

      • for competition stuff it’s a lil more of an optimization phase

        • we need to prioritize for these type of things

        • pixhawk

        • rf sig performance

    • all components have unique requirements from all aspects

      • electrical should handle electrical requirements and facilitate integration

      • EE should focus on most important things electrically

      • because of this the process is more decentralized

      • An example of a component with all of it’s requirements documented is Jetson

    • The whole solution to this might be using software to easily share component placement / collaborate on block diagrams

      • hehe Daniel thought of this as well here

      • a collaborative diagram system will help

      • component placements are driven by subteams that bring them up primarily

      • order/priority will be defined based on the strictness of requirements

      • Who exactly is the “we” in these discussions

        • subteam leads during AEAC syncs

      • There’s a huge integration game with lots of components

        • one decision will have cascading consequences

      • having integrated subteam leads will be important

    • sometimes it isnt clear who is up to what subteam

      • definitions need to be clear

      • scope of electrical team possibly needs to be defined because its not so clear

      • Electrical Terminology

    • Challenge is rn we have a drone before an arch document so it makes it difficult

  • We can check back in in a week and a half

    • can do another director sync with questions

    • 2hr meeting ggers
















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