2023-10-18 Leads Meeting
Daniel Puratich
Georgia Westerlund
@Anthony Luo
@Daniel Puratich
@Megan Spee
@Conall Kingshott
@Nathan Green
@Georgia Westerlund
Embedded Flight Software
@Mihir Gupta
@R D (Deactivated)
@Amy Hu
@Daniel Puratich Updates to admin stuffs:
Leadership Feedback initial release, anonymous submission box, etc.
Confluence added info for malleability of conf docs & linking conf docs respectfully
On Mistakes added another paragraph
Private Communications clarity and phrasing around private comms for planning
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion init release
University and competition have policies for EDI we could look into as well. SDC may have policies as well.
Location Commitment init rel
Emotional Commitment init rel
combine commitment pages
Data Handling added ref to priv comms, added iso 861
Instagram init rel, just a link, no real content
Website init rel, added current & past website
https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AD/pages/2328657928/ECE+Storage init rel, found old resource with some warg data, idk how we want to handle, assuming do nothing option
Glossary clarity, dropped in #paperwork-hell too
Media Release init rel, formalized existing policy (policy previously enforced with bay signage)
link into onboarding doc & bay documents
We should make the signs again
lol typo
Should add this policy to be on the new team roster agreement
Knowledge Transfer Pipeline added razor information
this is a wikipedia document
Director Onboarding added negative social incidents link
Reporting Negative Social Incidents added context to authority
this is very split up, shouldn't have to give people a book when they join the team
https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AD/pages/2302378036 added tasks info
there are non-public tasks in our gcal that are reflected in asana, done not to jam up the gcal
@Daniel Puratich fixed the few that were issues
@R D (Deactivated) and @Daniel Puratich had a 3 hr meeting on this, uh, it adds some value, there’s a lot of TODOs clearly documented within
and the TODOs are low priority for us directors and i will not be dealing with this unless anyone has concerns over their role in which case i will probably deal with it aaaaa
@Conall Kingshott we need to ensure stuff is cleanned up and organized correctly when done
@Georgia Westerlund quick update:
Social happening this Saturday, October 21 at 7 PM!
Jackets were ordered last week and are currently being embroidered
Order should be in by the end of the month
Fall Open House team showcase
Saturday, November 25 in SDC
Looking for volunteers to attend
Sign up if interested: WARG FOH Attendance List.xlsx
Invite people with enough knowledge to properly handle potential new member questions!
@Daniel Puratich Reviews appreciated. We want to get money to fund your teams, plz review!
@Georgia Westerlund To update team on status:
EngSoc request sent last week - still waiting for approval
WEEF sponsorship proposal due at the end of this month
@Wingchee W & @Georgia Westerlund popping off!
Please list your items here: https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/l/cp/0iyiMrqm
if you want things we need them
We needed this info from each sub-team last week
Most of yall have done this! Thank you!
@Daniel Puratich @Megan Spee @Georgia Westerlund
Front end done, may be looking at it
Open to suggestions:
draft new roster formhttps://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=h1o6cprzIkqSRz_CQMATlohH8WBFXHtOjCR7Pcx0oF1UN0xIRkYzNTlSVEZRSlBZNVczSjk3T05TTy4u
If all leads can fill it out we need more submissions!
@R D (Deactivated) not all faculties have streams (need a no stream option)
Safety trainnings
media release
Waiting to see if we can get a Power BI Pro license, coordinating with Derek Wright
@Anthony Luo announced. Anni popped off at work and made sick slides, plz show up
@Daniel Puratich What meetings do we want to run?
@Anthony Luo committed to running aeac sync https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Meetings/pages/2329477121
subteam discretion for subteams to decide
Do we want a leads meeting?
@Anthony Luo ok without one
Leads is mostly admin bs
No leads next week!
@Megan Spee Announce Status
subteam leads please read through in enough detail that you recognize and understand what the report needs of your subteam in the following months. I will be pinging you - either delegate out to subteam members, PMs, or do it yourself - I will try to fill in gaps but I don’t know as much as you do!
Don’t get too into the technical weeds
its a proposal for The one and only Big City
Don’t worry about perfect linguistic talent, just bang it out
I will be developing a timeline… if not already discussed and I’ve since forgotten…
@Megan Spee Announce Status
Has been announced here !!
Form currently is available on WARG gmail for access to responses, is this reasonable? There are
WARG email publicity: https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AD/pages/2311618600 we should scramble just email password once a term. accounts have 2fa.
New directors task along with scrambling the bay code we should scramble the gmail and uwaterloo account passwords once a term at turnover. @Daniel Puratich will update docu accordingly.
@Anthony Luo to announce when/how rfc is starting.
No formal RFC template, Anni is working on it, RFC was too structured before.
Open Discussion