2023-10-17 Graeme Room Ssdc meeting
Get people from warg in the sdc slack to discuss
Do not leave things in the rooms (composites, paint, sanding)
Do not overfill trash cans, it makes it tough for janitors. Janjtors dont clean inside bays and inside any of the common rooms.
Composites room should be cleanest.
Do not leave things in the room, call out other teams for doing it in sdc slack, keep eachother accountable.
For composites, venturi and vacuum pump cant be used at same time, must close valves to avoid sucking oil out. Pumps must have proper resin storage, the clrsr tank is a last ditch safety catch to avoid destroying the pump, ideally do not intentionally rely on it.
Paint room use fan. Let paint outgas for a few days, not months. Always pain under the hood and not out in open in the room.
Sanding room is meant to be a little dirty but plz clean it up via shopvac in there.
The oven is cool for electronics testing and stuff, we can talk to rocketry for their docu on it.
The glass in composites room is used for flat layups, do not damage it, if you arent using it leave paper over to cover it. If you dont need the glass preferably use side tables in composites room.
@Daniel Puratich attended to represent warg. We dont use these resources much but we should be a respectful member of sdc.