2023-11-01 Mechanical Meeting


Nov 1, 2023





 Discussion topics







Flight tests

@Nathan Green

Pegasus flight test this weekend with (almost) full sensor suite.

Gathering vibration and harmonics data, setting up notch filtering and tuning

Electronics Cases/Mounts

@Nathan Green

  • VTX Case

  • Monster mount


@Conall Kingshott

No updates on this since last meeting.


@Alison Thompson

Things are looking good, I would like to flesh out a timeline for deadlines so we can get manufacturing the first revision, do we want to do this here or in a seprate meeting?

Is two weeks (Nov 15th) or next week (Nov 8 ) too ambitous? This only needs to include skeleton, first rev of aero-panels, and aero-panel mounts. thoughts?

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund Ran CFD simulations this week. Full details: Aero-Panels | Date: 2023/10/27

    • Control block (REV 3) with new cabin dimensions:

      • Drag coefficient = 0.8435494

    • Control block (REV 4) with cabin length of 320 mm:

      • Drag coefficient = 0.83095675

    • Block with 20-deg panel bend:

      • Drag coefficient = 0.8006426

    • Block with 30-deg panel bend:

      • Drag coefficient = 0.59192724

    • Results/conclusions:

      • Larger bend angle = more drag reduction

      • All lift coefficients negligible

    • Future steps:

      • Currently running sims with bend angle of 10 degrees and 40 degrees to verify conclusions

      • Explore other options to reduce drag? 2-dimensional front/rear panel bend?

      • Start figuring out the integration with the mounting method - will connect with @Sohee Yoon

  • @Jason Li Seat CAD started, hopefully can have CAD of seats done by next week !

  • @Wallace Lee any updates ? I do

  • Need a task for @Aric Quan


@Smile Khatri

  • Prof. Teertstra contacted student design teams to see if anyone is interested in getting access to Ansys Learning Hub for 6 months (FREE)

  • Ansys Learning Hub is basically a platform where you can enroll in courses that teach how to use Ansys software for various simulations(fluent, static, etc.)

  • If interested, send a message in #mech-simulation which includes your first and last name, and your UWaterloo email

 Action items
