2023-11-15 Leads Meeting
- Daniel Puratich
- Wingchee W
- R D (Deactivated)
@Daniel Puratich
@Conall Kingshott
@Georgia Westerlund
@Anthony Luo
@Alison Thompson
@Jerry Tian
@Nathan Green
@Neel Patel
@Christopher Chung
ez 20 minute meeting
@Georgia Westerlund
Standford Flemming
WEEF alocations pasted, 4.5k total, pretty good
MNS Tesla
Wingchee working on it
@Wingchee W I notice that WEEF forgot to count some of the purchases funded using WEEF accounts. This includes Yuchen’s ~$1300 procurement in Feb 2023 (originally said to be paid using WEEF - Firmware Dev Equipment - Spring 2022) and EMS $400 predeposit fee. I would like to find out which WEEF acc was used to fund the predeposit fee so we have a thorough understanding on our end. Also, how should we proceed with these situations?
@Daniel Puratich @Megan Spee @Anthony Luo discussed this and WARG should reach out to Sarah to work these out.
@Daniel Puratich @Georgia Westerlund
no progress
on hold
@Megan Spee @Daniel Puratich @Anthony Luo @Georgia Westerlund
Will be more attempts to get this going
@Daniel Puratich @Megan Spee
Waiting until next term for people selection
We should decide on competition vehicle and people count before exams
We’ll wait for deans funding decision at end of November then discuss this