2023-11-29 Leads Meeting
- Daniel Puratich
- Georgia Westerlund
@Daniel Puratich
@Alison Thompson
@Amy Hu
@Conall Kingshott
@Georgia Westerlund
@Jerry Tian
@Mena Azab (Deactivated)
@Michael Botros
@Nathan Green
@Georgia Westerlund
Standford Flemming Travel Grant
submitted yesterday
awaiting reply
awaiting reply
Dean’s Funding
awaiting reply
@Daniel Puratich @Georgia Westerlund
On Hold
@Megan Spee @Daniel Puratich @Anthony Luo @Georgia Westerlund
Reminder made at AEAC Sync yesterday
please take a look at the document ASAP and delegate sections to amongst leads or your members
Draft to be completed by Dec 6
@Daniel Puratich @Megan Spee
Wait for deans funding decision on vehicles & people count
Presumably we will be forced to discuss this next meeting as last meeting of this term
Comp Roster interest form was announced here a while ago
Decide on competition vehicle and people count before exams
this is number of people
this is a softer internal deadline
Waiting until next term for people selection
this is like which people
This has a hard deadline April 2nd for AEAC submission