2023-12-21 6S ESC Sync
2023-12-21 6S ESC Sync
Dec 21, 2023
@Jerry Tian
@Mostafa Hussein
@Rayyan Mahmood
@Taim Al-Dabbagh
Component selection discussion for the buck converter and current sense circuits
Discussion topics
Mostafa working on buck + current sense
Rayyan working on MCU + gate driver + power MOSFETs
Decide if we need to choose a new buck chip to save layout space
Verify Buck Vout yielded by FB resistors work with MCU Vin
Consider DC bias effect on MLCC
Ask @Farris Matar to check output capacitor calculation because Jerry doesn’t know control system poles and zeros
Use Vin_max for calculations to consider the worst cases
upload block diagram
upload current sense component selection
Explain how the RC filter at current sense output works